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Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam? i.e. why is polygamy allowed in Islam?
1. Definition of Polygamy
Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted; whereas polyandry is completely prohibited.
Now coming to the original question, why is a man allowed to have more than one wife?
2. The Qur’an is the only religious scripture in the world that says. “marry only one”.
The Qur’an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase ‘marry only one’. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. In none of the other religious scriptures, whether it be the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta, the Talmud or the Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one.
Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than one wife. Krishna had several wives.
In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts no restriction on the number of wives. It was only a few centuries ago that the Church restricted the number of wives to one.
Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had three wives, and Solomon had hundreds of wives. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (960 C .E to 1030 C .E) issued an edict against it. The Jewish Sephardic communities living in Muslim countries continued the practice till as late as 1950, until an Act of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel extended the ban on marrying more than one wife.
(interesting Note:- As per the 1975 census of India Hindus are more polygynous than Muslims. The report of the ‘Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam’, published in 1975 mentions on page numbers 66 and 67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the years 1951 and 1961 was 5.06% among the Hindus and only 4.31 % among the Muslims. According to Indian law only Muslim men are permitted to have more than one wife. It is illegal for any non-Muslim in India to have more than one wife. Despite it being illegal, Hindus have more multiple wives as compared to Muslims. Earlier, there was no restriction even on Hindu men with respect to the number of wives allowed. It was only in 1954, when the Hindu Marriage Act was passed that it became illegal for a Hindu to have more than one wife. At present it is the Indian Law that restricts a Hindu man from having more than one wife and not the Hindu scriptures.)
Let us now analyse why Islam allows a man to have more than one wife.
3. Qur’an permits limited polygyny
As I mentioned earlier, Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth that says ‘marry only one’. The context of this phrase is the following verse from Surah Nisa of the Glorious Qur’an:
“Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one.” [Al-Qur’an 4:3]
Before the Qur’an was revealed, there was no upper limit for polygyny and many men had scores of wives, some even hundreds. Islam put an upper limit of four wives. Islam gives a man permission to marry two, three or four women, only on the condition that he deals justly with them.
In the same chapter i.e. Surah Nisa verse 129 says:
“Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women….” [Al-Qur’an 4:129]
Therefore polygyny is not a rule but an exception. Many people are under the misconception that it is compulsory for a Muslim man to have more than one wife. Broadly, Islam has five categories of Do’s and Don’ts:
(i) ‘Fard’ i.e. compulsory or obligatory
(ii) ‘Mustahab’ i.e. recommended or encouraged (iii) ‘Mubah’ i.e. permissible or allowed
(iv) ‘Makruh’ i.e. not recommended or discouraged (v) ‘Haraam’ i.e. prohibited or forbidden
Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. It cannot be said that a Muslim who has two, three or four wives is a better Muslim as compared to a Muslim who has only one wife.
4. Average life span of females is more than that of males
By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. A female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. For this reason, during the pediatric age itself there are more deaths among males as compared to the females.
During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women. More men die due to accidents and diseases than women. The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers.
5. India has more male population than female due to female foeticide and infanticide
6. World female population is more than male population
In the USA , women outnumber men by 7.8 million. New York alone has one million more females as compared to the number of males, and of the male population of New York one-third are gays i.e sodomites. The U.S.A as a whole has more than twenty-five million gays. This means that these people do not wish to marry women. Great Britain has four million more females as compared to males. Germany has five million more females as compared to males. Russia has nine million more females than males. God alone knows how many million more females there are in the whole world as compared to males.
7. Restricting each and every man to have only one wife is not practical
Even if every man got married to one woman, there would still be more than thirty million females in U.S.A who would not be able to get husbands (considering that America has twenty five million gays). There would be more than four million females in Great Britain, S million females in Germany and nine million females in Russia alone who would not be able to find a husband.
Suppose my sister happens to be one of the unmarried women living in USA , or suppose your sister happens to be one of the unmarried women in USA . The only two options remaining for her are that she either marries a man who already has a wife or becomes ‘public property’. There is no other option. All those who are modest will opt for the first.
Most women would nto like to share their husband with other women. But in Islam when the situation deems it really neccessary Muslim women in due faith could bear a small personal loss to prevent a greater loss of letting other Muslim sisters becoming ‘public properties’.
8. Marring a married man preferable to becoming ‘public property’
In Western society, it is common for a man to have mistresses and/or multiple extra-marital affairs, in which case, the woman leads a disgraceful, unprotected life. The same society, however, cannot accept a man having more than one wife, in which women retain their honourable, dignified position in society and lead a protected life.
Thus the only two options before a woman who cannot find a husband is to marry a married man or to become ‘public property’. Islam prefers giving women the honourable position by permitting the first option and disallowing the second.
There are several other reasons, why Islam has permitted limited polygyny, but it is mainly to protect the modesty of women.
If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, then why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband?
A lot of people, including some Muslims, question the logic of allowing Muslim men to have more than one spouse while denying the same ‘right’ to women.
Let me first state emphatically, that the foundation of an Islamic society is justice and equity. Allah has created men and women as equal, but with different capabilities and different responsibilities. Men and women are different, physiologically and psychologically. Their roles and responsibilities are different. Men and women are equal in Islam, but not identical.
Surah Nisa’ Chapter 4 verses 22 to 24 gives the list of women with whom Muslim men can not marry. It is further mentioned in Surah Nisa’ Chapter 4 verse 24 “Also (prohibited are) women already married”
The following points enumerate the reasons why polyandry is prohibited in
1. If a man has more than one wife, the parents of the children born of such marriages can easily be identified. The father as well as the mother can easily be identified. In case of a woman marrying more than one husband, only the mother of the children born of such marriages will be identified and not the father. Islam gives tremendous importance to the identification of both parents, mother and father. Psychologists tell us that children who do not know their parents, especially their father undergo severe mental trauma and disturbances. Often they have an unhappy childhood. It is for this reason that the children of prostitutes do not have a healthy childhood. If a child born of such wedlock is admitted in school, and when the mother is asked the name of the father, she would have to give two or more names! I am aware that recent advances in science have made it possible for both the mother and father to be identified with the help of genetic testing. Thus this point which was applicable for the past may not be applicable for the present.
2. Man is more polygamous by nature as compared to a woman.
3. Biologically, it is easier for a man to perform his duties as a husband despite having several wives. A woman, in a similar position, having several husbands, will not find it possible to perform her duties as a wife. A woman undergoes several psychological and behavioral changes due to different phases of the menstrual cycle.
4. A woman who has more than one husband will have several sexual partners at the same time and has a high chance of acquiring venereal or sexually transmitted diseases which can also be transmitted back to her husband even if all of them have no extra-marital sex. This is not the case in a man having more than one wife, and none of them having extra-marital sex.
The above reasons are those that one can easily identify. There are probably many more reasons why Allah, in His Infinite Wisdom, has prohibited polyandry.
Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?
The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The ‘hijab’ or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of the ‘subjugation’ of women under Islamic law. Before we analyze the reasoning behind the religiously mandated ‘hijab’, let us first study the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam
The following examples from history amply illustrate the fact that the status of women in earlier civilizations was very low to the extent that they were denied basic human dignity:
a. Babylonian Civilization:
The women were degraded and were denied all rights under the Babylonian law. If a man murdered a woman, instead of him being punished, his wife was put to death.
b. Greek Civilization:
Greek Civilization is considered the most glorious of all ancient civilizations. Under this very ‘glorious’ system, women were deprived of all rights and were looked down upon. In Greek mythology, an ‘imaginary woman’ called ‘Pandora’ is the root cause of misfortune of human beings. The Greeks considered women to be subhuman and inferior to men. Though chastity of women was precious, and women were held in high esteem, the Greeks were later overwhelmed by ego and sexual perversions. Prostitution became a regular practice amongst all classes of Greek society.
c. Roman Civilization:
When Roman Civilization was at the zenith of its ‘glory’, a man even had the right to take the life of his wife. Prostitution and nudity were common amongst the Romans.
d. Egyptian Civilization:
The Egyptian considered women evil and as a sign of a devil.
e. Pre-Islamic Arabia :
Before Islam spread in Arabia , the Arabs looked down upon women and very often when a female child was born, she was buried alive.
2. Islam uplifted women and gave them equality and expects them to maintain their status.
Islam uplifted the status of women and granted them their just rights 1400 years ago. Islam expects women to maintain their status.
Hijab for men
People usually only discuss ‘hijab’ in the context of women. However, in the Glorious Qur’an, Allah (swt) first mentions ‘hijab’ for men before ‘hijab’ for the women. The Qur’an mentions in Surah Noor:
“Say to the believing men that they should lowertheir gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.” [Al-Qur’an 24:30]
The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.
Hijab for women.
The next verse of Surah Noor, says:
“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons…” [AL-Qur’an 24:31]
3. Six criteria for Hijab.
According to Qur’an and Sunnah there are basically six criteria for observing hijab:
1. Extent:
The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars of Islam insist that the face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of ‘hijab’.
All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women.
2. The clothes worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.
3. The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.
4. The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex.
5. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the opposite sex.
6. The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.
4. Hijab includes conduct and behaviour among other things
Complete ‘hijab’, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behaviour, attitude and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of ‘hijab’ of the clothes is observing ‘hijab’ in a limited sense. ‘Hijab’ of the clothes should be accompanied by ‘hijab’ of the eyes, ‘hijab’ of the heart, ‘hijab’ of thought and ‘hijab’ of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he behaves, etc.
5. Hijab prevents molestation
The reason why Hijab is prescribed for women is mentioned in the Qur’an in the following verses of Surah Al-Ahzab:
“0 Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Al-Qur’an 33:59]
The Qur’an says that Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested.
6. Example of twin sisters
Suppose two sisters who are twins, and who are equally beautiful, walk down the street. One of them is attired in the Islamic hijab i.e. the complete body is covered, except for the face and the hands up to the wrists. The other sister is wearing western clothes, a mini skirt or shorts. Just around the corner there is a hooligan or ruffian who is waiting for a catch, to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijab or the girl wearing the skirt or the mini? Naturally he will tease the girl wearing the skirt or the mini. Such dresses are an indirect invitation to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Qur’an rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.
7. Capital punishment for the rapists
Under the Islamic shariah, a man convicted of having raped a woman, is given capital punishment. Many are astonished at this ‘harsh’ sentence. Some even say that Islam is a ruthless, barbaric religion! I have asked a simple question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose, God forbid, someone rapes your wife, your mother or your sister. You are made the judge and the rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said they would put him to death. Some went to the extent of saying they would torture him to death. To them I ask, if someone rapes your wife or your mother you want to put him to death. But if the same crime is committed on somebody else’s wife or daughter you say capital punishment is barbaric. Why should there be double standards?
8. Western society falsely claims to have uplifted women
Western talk of women’s liberalization is nothing but a disguised form of exploitation of her body, degradation of her soul, and deprivation of her honour. Western society claims to have ‘uplifted’ women. On the contrary it has actually degraded them to the status of concubines, mistresses and society butterflies who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers, hidden behind the colourful screen of ‘art’ and ‘culture’.
9. USA has one of the highest rates of rape
Consider a scenario where the Islamic hijab is followed in America . Whenever a man looks at a woman and any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic hijab, that is the complete body is covered except the face and the hands upto the wrist. After this if any man commits rape he is given capital punishment. I ask you, in such a scenario, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same, or will it decrease?
10. Implementation of Islamic Shariah will reduce the rate of rapes
Naturally as soon as Islamic Shariah is implemented positive results will be inevitable. If Islamic Shariah is implemented in any part of the world, whether it is America or Europe , society will breathe easier. Hijab does not degrade a woman but uplifts a woman and protects her modesty and chastity.
How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword?
It is a common complaint among some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of adherents all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force. The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam.
1. Islam means peace.
Islam comes from the root word ‘salaam’, which means peace. It also means submitting one’s will to Allah (swt). Thus Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting one’s will to the will of the Supreme Creator, Allah (swt).
2. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace.
Each and every human being in this world is not in favour of maintaining peace and harmony. There are many, who would disrupt it for their own vested interests. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace. It is precisely for this reason that we have the police who use force against criminals and antisocial elements to maintain peace in the country. Islam promotes peace. At the same time, Islam exhorts it followers to fight where there is oppression. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force. In Islam force can only be used to promote peace and justice.
3. Opinion of historian De Lacy O’Leary.
The best reply to the misconception that Islam was spread by the sword is given by the noted historian De Lacy O’Leary in the book “Islam at the cross road” (Page 8):
“History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.”
4. Muslims ruled Spain for 800 years.
Muslims ruled Spain for about 800 years. The Muslims in Spain never used the sword to force the people to convert. Later the Christian Crusaders came to Spain and wiped out the Muslims. There was not a single Muslim in Spain who could openly give the adhan, that is the call for prayers.
5. 14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians.
Muslims were the lords of Arabia for 1400 years. For a few years the British ruled, and for a few years the French ruled. Overall, the Muslims ruled Arabia for 1400 years. Yet today, there are 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians i.e. Christians since generations. If the Muslims had used the sword there would not have been a single Arab who would have remained a Christian.
6. More than 80% non-Muslims in India .
The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. If they wanted, they had the power of converting each and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. Today more than 80% of the population of India are non-Muslims. All these non-Muslim Indians are bearing witness today that Islam was not spread by the sword.
7. Indonesia and Malaysia .
8. East Coast of Africa .
Similarly, Islam has spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. One may again ask, if Islam was spread by the sword, “Which Muslim army went to the East Coast of Africa?”
9. Thomas Carlyle.
The famous historian, Thomas Carlyle, in his book “Heroes and Hero worship”, refers to this misconception about the spread of Islam: “The sword indeed, but where will you get your sword? Every new opinion, at its starting is precisely in a minority of one. In one man’s head alone. There it dwells as yet. One man alone of the whole world believes it, there is one man against all men. That he takes a sword and try to propagate with that, will do little for him. You must get your sword! On the whole, a thing will propagate itself as it can.”
10. No compulsion in religion.
With which sword was Islam spread? Even if Muslims had it they could not use it to spread Islam because the Qur’an says in the following verse:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error” [Al-Qur’an 2:256]
11. Sword of the Intellect
It is the sword of intellect. The sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Qur’an says in Surah NahI, chapter 16 verse 125:
“Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious.” [Al-Qur’an 16:125]
12. Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984.
An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, year book 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, which war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam?
13. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe .
Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe in Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers?
14. Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson.
Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, “People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born”.
Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?
This question is often hurled at Muslims, either directly or indirectly, during any discussion on religion or world affairs. Muslim stereotypes are perpetuated in every form of the media accompanied by gross misinformation about Islam and Muslims. In fact, such misinformation and false propaganda often leads to discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims. A case in point is the anti-Muslim campaign in the American media following the Oklahoma bomb blast, where the press was quick to declare a ‘Middle Eastern conspiracy’ behind the attack. The culprit was later identified as a soldier from the American Armed Forces.
Let us analyze this allegation of ‘fundamentalism’ and ‘terrorism’:
1. Definition of the word ‘fundamentalist’
A fundamentalist is a person who follows and adheres to the fundamentals of the doctrine or theory he is following. For a person to be a good doctor, he should know, follow, and practise the fundamentals of medicine. In other words, he should be a fundamentalist in the field of medicine. For a person to be a good mathematician, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of mathematics. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of mathematics. For a person to be a good scientist, he should know, follow and practise the fundamentals of science. He should be a fundamentalist in the field of science.
2. Not all ‘fundamentalists’ are the same
One cannot paint all fundamentalists with the same brush. One cannot categorize all fundamentalists as either good or bad. Such a categorization of any fundamentalist will depend upon the field or activity in which he is a fundamentalist. A fundamentalist robber or thief causes harm to society and is therefore undesirable. A fundamentalist doctor, on the other hand, benefits society and earns much respect.
3. I am proud to be a Muslim funda-mentalist
I am a fundamentalist Muslim who, by the grace of Allah, knows, follows and strives to practise the fundamentals of Islam. A true Muslim does not shy away from being a fundamentalist. I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim because, I know that the fundamentals of Islam are beneficial to humanity and the whole world. There is not a single fundamental of Islam that causes harm or is against the interests of the human race as a whole. Many people harbour misconceptions about Islam and consider several teachings of Islam to be unfair or improper. This is due to insufficient and incorrect knowledge of Islam. If one critically analyzes the teachings of Islam with an open mind, one cannot escape the fact that Islam is full of benefits both at the individual and collective levels.
4. Dictionary meaning of the word ‘fundamentalist’
According to Webster’s dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ was a movement in American Protestanism that arose in the earlier part of the 20th century. It was a reaction to modernism, and stressed the infallibility of the Bible, not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record. It stressed on belief in the Bible as the literal word of God. Thus fundamentalism was a word initially used for a group of Christians who believed that the Bible was the verbatim word of God without any errors and mistakes.
According to the Oxford dictionary ‘fundamentalism’ means ‘strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion, especially Islam’.
Today the moment a person uses the word fundamentalist he thinks of a Muslim who is a terrorist.
5. Every Muslim should be a terrorist
Every Muslim should be a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who causes terror. The moment a robber sees a policeman he is terrified. A policeman is a terrorist for the robber. Similarly every Muslim should be a terrorist for the antisocial elements of society, such as thieves, dacoits and rapists. Whenever such an anti-social element sees a Muslim, he should be terrified. It is true that the word ‘terrorist’ is generally used for a person who causes terror among the common people. But a true Muslim should only be a terrorist to selective people i.e. antisocial elements, and not to the common innocent people. In fact a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people.
6. Different labels given to the same individual for the same action,
i.e. ‘terrorist’ and ‘patriot’
Before India achieved independence from British rule, some freedom fighters of India who did not subscribe to non-violence were labeled as terrorists by the British government. The same individuals have been lauded by Indians for the same activities and hailed as ‘patriots’. Thus two different labels have been given to the same people for the same set of actions. One is calling him a terrorist while the other is calling him a patriot. Those who believed that Britain had a right to rule over India called these people terrorists, while those who were of the view that Britain had no right to rule India called them patriots and freedom fighters.
It is therefore important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be analyzed, and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly.
7. Islam means peace
Islam is derived from the word ‘salaam’ which means peace. It is a religion of peace whose fundamentals teach its followers to maintain and promote peace throughout the world.
Thus every Muslim should be a fundamentalist i.e. he should follow the fundamentals of the Religion of Peace: Islam. He should be a terrorist only towards the antisocial elements in order to promote peace and justice in the society.
Killing an animal is a ruthless act. Why then do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food?
‘Vegetarianism’ is now a movement the world over. Many even associate it with animal rights. Indeed, a large number of people consider the consumption of meat and other non-vegetarian products to be a violation of animal rights.
Islam enjoins mercy and compassion for all living creatures. At the same time Islam maintains that Allah has created the earth and its wondrous flora and fauna for the benefit of mankind. It is upto mankind to use every resource in this world judiciously, as a niyamat (Divine blessing) and amanat (trust) from Allah.
Let us look at various other aspects of this argument.
A Muslim can be a very good Muslim despite being a pure vegetarian. It is not
compulsory for a Muslim to have non-vegetarian food.
2. Qur’an permits Muslims to have non-vegetarian food
The Qur’an, however permits a Muslim to have non-vegetarian food. The following Qur’anic verses are proof of this fact:
“O ye who believe! Fulfil (all) obligations. Lawful unto you (for food) are all four-footed animals with the exceptions named.” [Al-Qur’an 5:1]
“And cattle He has created for you (men): from them Ye derive warmth, and numerous benefits, And of their (meat) ye eat.” [Al-Qur’an 16:5]
“And in cattle (too) ye have an instructive example: From within their bodies We produce (milk) for you to drink; there are, in them, (besides), numerous (other) benefits for you; and of their (meat) ye eat.” [Al-Qur’an 23:21]
3. Meat is nutritious and rich in complete protein
Non-vegetarian food is a good source of excellent protein. It contains biologically complete protein i.e. all the 8 essential amino acid that are not synthesized by the body and should be supplied in the diet. Meat also contains iron, vitamin BI and niacin.
4.Humans have Omnivorous set of teeth
If you observe the teeth of herbivorous animals like the cow, goat and sheep, you will find something strikingly similar in all of them. All these animals have a set of flat teeth i.e. suited for herbivorous diet. If you observe the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals like the lion, tiger, or leopard, they all have a set of pointed teeth i.e. suited for a carnivorous diet. If you analyze the set of teeth of humans, you find that they have flat teeth as well as pointed teeth. Thus they have teeth suited for both herbivorous as well as carnivorous food i.e. they are omnivorous. One may ask, if Almighty God wanted humans to have only vegetables, why did He provide us also with pointed teeth? It is logical that He expected us to need and to have both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food.
5. Human beings can digest both vege-tarian and non-vegetarian food
The digestive system of herbivorous animals can digest only vegetables. The digestive system of carnivorous animals can digest only meat. But the digestive system of humans can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. If Almighty God wanted us to have only vegetables then why did He give us a digestive system that can digest both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food?
6. Hindu scriptures give permission to have non-vegetarian food
a. There are many Hindus who are strictly vegetarian. They think it is against their religion to consume non-vegetarian food. But the true fact is that the Hindu scriptures permit a person to have meat. The scriptures mention Hindu sages and saints consuming non-vegetarian food.
b. It is mentioned in Manu Smruti, the law book of Hindus, in chapter 5 verse 30 “The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad, even if he does it day after day, for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be eater.”
c. Again next verse of Manu Smruti, that is, chapter 5 verse 31 says
“Eating meat is right for the sacrifice, this is traditionally known as a rule of the gods.”
d. Further in Manu Smruti chapter 5 verse 39 and 40 says
“God himself created sacrificial animals for sacrifice, … , therefore killing in a sacrifice is not killing.”
e. Mahabharata Anushashan Parva chapter 88 narrates the discussion between Dharmaraj Yudhishthira and Pitamah Bhishma about what food one should offer to Pitris (ancestors) during the Shraddha (ceremony of dead) to keep them satisfied. Paragraph reads as follows:
“Yudhishthira said, “0 thou of great puissance, tell me what that object is which, if dedicated to the Pitiris (dead ancestors), become inexhaustible! What Havi, again, (if offered) lasts for all time? What, indeed, is that which (if presented) becomes eternal?”
“Bhishma said, “Listen to me, 0 Yudhishthira, what those Havis are which persons conversant with the rituals of the Shraddha (the ceremony of dead) regard as suitable in view of Shraddha and what the fruits are that attach to each. With sesame seeds and rice and barely and Masha and water and roots and fruits, if given at Shraddhas, the pitris, 0 king, remain gratified for the period of a month. With fishes offered at Shraddhas, the pitris remain gratified for a period of two months. With the mutton they remain gratified for three months and with the hare for four months, with the flesh of the goat for five months, with the bacon (meat of pig) for six months, and with the flesh of birds for seven. With venison obtained from those deer that are called Prishata, they remaingratified for eight months, and with that obtained from the Ruru for nine months, and with the meat of Gavaya for ten months, With the meat of the bufffalo their gratification lasts for eleven months. With beef presented at the Shraddha, their gratification, it is said, lasts for a full year. Payasa mixed with ghee is as much acceptable to the pitris as beef. With the meat of Vadhrinasa (a large bull) the gratification of pitris lasts for twelve years. the flesh of rhinoceros, offered to the pitris on anniversaries of the lunar days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. The potherb called Kalaska, the petals of kanchana flower, and meat of (red) goat also, thus offered, prove inexhaustible.
So but natural if you want to keep your ancestors satisfied forever, you should serve them the meat of red goat.
7. Hinduism was influenced by other religions
Though Hindu Scriptures permit its followers to have non-vegetarian food, many
Hindus adopted the vegetarian system because they were influenced by other
religions like Jainism.
8. Even plants have life
Certain religions have adopted pure vegetarianism as a dietary law because they are totally against the killing of living creatures. If a person can survive without killing any living creature, I would be the first person to adopt such a way of life. In the past people thought plants were lifeless. Today it is a universal fact that even plants have life. Thus their logic of not killing living creatures is not fulfilled even by being a pure vegetarian.
9. Even plants can feel pain
They further argue that plants cannot feel pain, therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime as compared to killing an animal. Today science tells us that even plants can feel pain. But the cry of the plant cannot be heard by the human being. This is due to the inability of the human ear to hear sounds that are not in the audible range i.e. 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz. Anything below and above this range cannot be heard by a human being. A dog can hear up to 40,000 Hertz. Thus there are silent dog whistles that have a frequency of more than 20,000 Hertz and less than 40,000 Hertz. These whistles are only heard by dogs and not by human beings. The dog recognizes the masters whistle and comes to the master. There was research done by a farmer in U.S.A. who invented an instrument which converted the cry of the plant so that it could be heard by human beings. He was able to realize immediately when the plant itself cried for water. Latest researches show that the plants can even feel happy and sad. It can also cry.
10. Killing a living creature with two senses less is not a lesser crime
Once a vegetarian argued his case by saying that plants only have two or three senses while the animals have five senses. Therefore killing a plant is a lesser crime than killing an animal. Suppose your brother is born deaf and dumb and has two senses less as compared to other human beings. He becomes mature and someone murders him. Would you ask the judge to give the murderer a lesser punishment because your brother has two senses less? In fact you would say that he has killed a masoom, an innocent person, and the judge should give the murderer a greater punishment.
In fact the Qur’an says:
“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good” [Al-Qur’an 2:168]
11. Over population of cattle
If every human being was a vegetarian, it would lead to overpopulation of cattle in the world, since their reproduction and multiplication is very swift. Allah (swt) in His Divine Wisdom knows how to maintain the balance of His creation appropriately. No wonder He has permitted us to have the meat of the cattle.
12. Cost of meat is reasonable since all aren’t non-vegetarians
I do not mind if some people are pure vegetarians. However they should not condemn non-vegetarians as ruthless. In fact if all Indians become nonvegetarians then the present non-vegetarians would be losers since the prices of meat would rise.
Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturing it and slowly and painfully killing it?
The Islamic method of slaughtering animals, known as Zabiha has been the object of much criticism from a large number of people.
One may consider the following points, which prove that the Zabiha method is not only humane but also scientifically the best:
1. Islamic method of slaughtering animal
Zakkaytum is a verb derived from the root word Zakah (to purify). Its infinitive is Tazkiyah which means purification. The Islamic mode of slaughtering an animal requires the following conditions to be met:
a. Animal should be slaughtered with sharp object (knife)
The animal has to be slaughtered with a sharp object (knife) and in a fast way so that the pain of slaughter is minimised.
b. Cut wind pipe. throat and vessels of neck
Zabiha is an Arabic word which means ‘slaughtered’. The ‘slaughtering’ is to be done by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck causing the animal’s death without cutting the spinal cord.
c. Blood should be drained
The blood has to be drained completely before the head is removed. The purpose is to drain out most of the blood which would serve as a good culture medium for micro organisms. The spinal cord must not be cut because the nerve fibres to the heart could be damaged during the process causing cardiac arrest, stagnating the blood in the blood vessels.
2. Blood is a good medium for germs and bacteria
Blood is a good media of germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. Therefore the Muslim way of slaughtering is more hygienic as most of the blood containing germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. that are the cause of several diseases are eliminated.
3. Meat remains fresh for a longer time
Meat slaughtered by Islamic way remains fresh for a longer time due to deficiency of blood in the meat as compared to other methods of slaughtering.
4. Animal does not feel pain
The swift cutting of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerve of the brain responsible for pain. Thus the animal does not feel pain. While dying, the animal struggles, writhers, shakes and kicks, not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles defecient in blood and due to the flow of blood out of the body.
Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one’s behaviour. Why then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of animals could make a person violent and ferocious?
1. Only eating of herbivorous animals allowed
I agree that, what a person eats has an effect on his behaviour. This is one of the reasons why Islam prohibits the eating of carnivorous animals like lion, tiger, leopard, etc. who are violent and ferocious. The consumption of the meat of such animals would probably make a person violent and ferocious. Islam only allows the eating of herbivorous animals like cow, goat, sheep, etc. that are peaceful and docile. Muslims eat peaceful and docile animals because Muslims are peace loving and non-violent people.
2. The Qur’an says Prophet prohibits what is bad
The Qur’an says:
“The Prophet commands them what is just and prohibits what is evil”. “He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them what is bad (and impure),” [Al-Qur’an 7: 157]
“So take what the Messenger assigns to you and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you.” [Al-Qur’an 59: 7]
For a Muslim, the Prophet’s statement is sufficient to convince him that Allah does not wish humans to eat some kinds of meat while allowing some other kinds.
3. Hadith of Mohammad (pbuh) prohibi-ting eating of carnivorous animals
According to various authentic Ahadith narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim including hadith narrated by lbn Abbas in Sahih Muslim, Book of hunting and slaughter, Hadith No. 4752 and Sunan lbn-l-Majah chapter 13 Hadith no. 3232 to 3234, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) prohibited the eating of:
(i) Wild animals with canine teeth, i.e. meat eating carnivorous animals. These are animals belonging to the cat families such as lion, tiger, cats, dogs, wolfs, hyenas, etc.
(ii) Certain rodents like mice, rats, rabbits with claws, etc.
(iii) Certain reptiles like snakes, alligators, etc.
(iv) Birds of prey with talons or claws, like vultures, eagle, crows, owl, etc.
There is no scientific evidence that proves beyond doubt that eating non-vegetarian food makes one violent.
When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow down to the Kaaba in their prayer?
Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is important to note that though Muslims face the Kaaba during prayers, they do not worship the Kaaba. Muslims worship and bow to none but Allah.
It is mentioned in Surah Baqarah:
“We see the turning of thy face (for guidance) to the heavens: now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction.” [Al-Qur’an 2:144]
1. Islam believes in fostering unity
For instance, if Muslims want to offer Salaah (Prayer), it is possible that some may wish to face north, while some may wish to face south. In order to unite Muslims in their worship of the One True God, Muslims, wherever they may be, are asked to face in only one direction i.e. towards the Kaaba. If some Muslims live towards the west of the Kaaba they face the east. Similarly if they live towards the east of the Kaaba they face the west.
2. Kaaba is at the Centre of the World Map
The Muslims were the first people to draw the map of the world. They drew the map with the south facing upwards and north downwards. The Kaaba was at the centre. Later, western cartographers drew the map upside down with the north facing upwards and south downwards. Yet, Alhamdullilah the Kaaba is at the centre of the world map.
3. Tawaf around Kaaba for indicating one God
When the Muslims go to Masjid-e-Haram in Makkah, they perform tawaf or circumambulation round the Kaaba. This act symbolizes the belief and worship of One God, since, just as every circle has one centre, so also there is only one Allah (swt) worthy of worship.
4. Hadith of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him)
Regarding the black stone, hajr-e-aswad, there is a hadith (tradition), attributed to the illustrious companion of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).
According to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, book of Hajj, chapter 56, H.No. 675. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (pbuh) touching (and kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you”.
5. People stood on Kaaba and gave the adhaan
At the time of the Prophet, people even stood on the Kaaba and gave the ‘adhaan’ or the call to prayer. One may ask those who allege that Muslims worship the Kaaba; which idol worshipper stands on the idol he worships?
Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?
It is true that non-Muslims are not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, by law. The following points will serve to elucidate the possible reasoning behind such a restriction.
1. All citizens are not permitted in the cantonment area
I am a citizen of India . Yet, I am not permitted to enter certain restricted areas like the cantonment. In every country there are certain areas where a common citizen of that country cannot enter. Only a citizen who is enrolled in the military or those who are connected with the defence of the country are allowed in the cantonment area. Similarly Islam is a Universal Religion for the entire world and for all human beings. The cantonment areas of Islam are the two holy cites of Makkah and Madinah. Here only those who believe in Islam and are involved in the defence of Islam i.e. the Muslims are allowed.
It would be illogical for a common citizen to object against the restriction on entering a cantonment area. Similarly it is not appropriate for non-Muslims to object against the restriction on non-Muslims against entering Makkah and Madinah.
2. Visa to enter Makkah and Madinah
a. Whenever a person travels to a foreign country he has to first apply for a visa i.e. the permission to enter that country. Every country has its own rules, regulations and requirements for issuing a visa. Unless their critera are satisfied they will not issue a visa.
b. One of the countries which is very strict in issuing a visa is the United States of America , especially when issuing visas to citizens of the third world. They have several conditions and requirements to be fulfilled before they issue a visa.
c. When I visited Singapore , it was mentioned on their immigration form -death to drug traffickers. If I want to visit Singapore I have to abide by the rules. I cannot say that death penalty is a barbaric punishment. Only if I agree with their requirements and conditions will I be permitted to enter the country.
d. The Visa — The primary condition required for any human being to enter Makkah or Madina is to say with his lips, La ila ha illallah Muhammed ur Rasulullah meaning that ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammed (pbuh) is His Messenger.’
Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:
1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.” [Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why pork is forbidden.
2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you”.
“Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.” [Deuteronomy 14:8J
A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.
3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases
The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body. Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis.
A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America , it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature.
4. Pork has fat building material
Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth
The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia , pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.
6. Pig is the most shameless animal
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America , most people consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say “you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife.” If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs.
Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam?
Alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates, increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear mute testimony to the destructive power of alcohol.
1. Prohibition of alcohol in the Qur’an
The Glorious Qur’an prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verse:
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and Gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an Abomination — of Satan’s handiwork; eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.” [AL-Qur’an 5:90]
2. Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible
The Bible prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verses:
a. “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” [Proverbs 20:1]
b. “And be not drunk with wine.” [Ephesians 5:18]
3. Alcohol inhibits the inhibitory centre
The human beings possess an inhibitory centre in their brains. This inhibitory centre prevents the person from doing things that he considers wrong. For instance a person does not normally use abusive language while addressing his parents or elders. If he has to answer the call of nature, his inhibitory centre will prevent him from doing so in public. Therefore he uses the toilet.
When a person consumes alcohol, the inhibitory centre itself is inhibited. That is precisely the reason that an inebriated person is often found to be indulging in behaviour that is completely uncharacteristic of him. For instance the intoxicated person is found to use abusive and foul language and does not realize his mistake even if he is addressing his parents. Many even urinate in their clothes. Neither do they talk nor walk properly. They even misbehave.
4. Cases of adultery. rape. incest and AIDS are found more among alcoholics
According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice (U.S. Department of Justice) in the year 1996 alone everyday on an average 2,713 rapes took place. The statistics tell us that the majority of the rapists, were intoxicated while committing the crime. The same is true in cases of molestation.
According to statistics, 8% of Americans commit incest i.e. one in every twelve to thirteen persons in America is involved in incest. Almost all the cases of incest are due to intoxication of one or both the persons involved.
One of the major factors associated with the spread of AIDS, the most dreaded disease, is alcoholism.
5. Every alcoholic was initially a social drinker
Many may argue in favour of liquor by calling themselves ‘social drinkers’. They claim that they only have one or two pegs and they have self-control and so never get intoxicated. Investigations reveal that every alcoholic started as a social drinker. Not a single alcoholic or drunkard initially starts drinking with the intention of becoming an alcoholic or a drunkard. No social drinker can say that I have been having alcohol for several years and that I have so much selfcontrol that I have never been intoxicated even a single time.
6. If a person is intoxicated just once and commits something shameful. it will remain with him for a lifetime.
Suppose a ‘social drinker’ loses his self-control just once. In a state of intoxication he commits rape or incest. Even if the act is later regretted, a normal human being is likely to carry the guilt throughout his life. Both the perpetrator and the victim are irreparably and irreversibly damaged.
7. Alcohol is prohibited in the Hadith
The Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
a. In Sunan lbn-l-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3371.
“Alcohol is the mother of all evils and it is the most shameful of evils.”
b. In Sunan lbn-l-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3392
“Anything which intoxicates in a large quantity, is prohibited even in a small
Thus there is no excuse for a nip or a tot.
c. Not only those who drink alcohol are cursed but also those who deal with them directly or indirectly are cursed by Allah.
According to Sunan lbn-l-Majah Volume 3, Book of Intoxicants, Chapter 30 Hadith No. 3380.
It was reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“God’s curse falls on ten groups of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distills it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to who it has been brought, the one whom serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else.”
8. Diseases associated with alcoholism
There are several scientific reasons for the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants i.e. alcohol. The maximum number of deaths in the world related to any one particular cause is due to the consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year only because of intake of alcohol. I need not go into the details of all the ill-effects of alcohol since most of them are commonly known. Below is a simple list of few of the alcohol related illnesses:
· Cirrhosis of Liver is the most well known alcohol associated disease.
· Others are Cancer of Oesophagus, Cancer of Head and Neck, Cancer of Liver (Hepatoma), Cancer of Bowel, etc.
· Oesophagitis, Gastritis, Pancreatitis and Hepatitis are linked with alcohol consumption.
· Card iomyopathy, Hypertension, Coronary Artherosclerosis, Angina and Heart Attacks are linked with heavy alcohol intakes.
· Strokes, Apoplexy, Fits and different types of Paralysis are linked with alcohol intake.
· Peripheral Neuropathy, Cortical Atrophy, Cerebellar Atrophy are well-known syndromes caused by alcohol consumption.
· Wernicke — Korsakoff syndrome with amnesia of recent events, confabulations and retainment of memory to old events with different types of paralysis are mainly due to thiamine deficiency due to excessive alcohol intake.
· Beriberi and other deficiencies are not uncommon among alcoholics. Even Pellagra occurs in alcoholics.
· Delerium Tremens is a serious complication that may occur during recurrent infection of alcoholics or post operatively. It also occurs during abstention as a sign of withdrawal effect. It is quite serious and may cause death even if treated in well equipped centres.
· Numerous Endocrine Disorders have been associated with alcoholism ranging from Myxodema to Hyperthyroidism and Florid Cushing Syndrome.
· Hematological ill effects are long and variable. Folic acid deficiency, however, is the most common manifestation of alcoholic abuse resulting in Macrocytic Anemia. Zeive’s syndrome is a triad of Hemolytic Anemia, Jaundice and Hyperlipaedemia that follows alcoholic binges.
· Thrombocytopenia and other platelet abnormalities are not rare in alcoholics.
· The commonly used tablet metronidazole (flagyl) interacts badly with alcohol.
· Recurrent infection is very common among chronic alcoholics. The resistance to disease and the immunological defense system are compromised by alcohol intake.
· Chest infections are notorious in alcoholics. Pneumonia, Lung Abcess, Emphysema and Pulmonary Tuberculosis are all common in alcoholics.
· During acute alcoholic intoxication, the drunk person usually vomits, the cough reflexes which are protective are paralysed. The vomitus thus easily pass to the lung causing Pneumonia or Lung Abscess. Occasionally it may even cause suffocation and death.
· The ill effects of alcohol consumption on women deserves special mention. Females are more vulnerable to alcohol-related Cirrhosis than men. During pregnancy alcohol consumption has a severe detrimental effect on the foetus. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is being recognised more and more in the medical profession.
· Skin diseases are also related to alcohol indulgence.
· Eczema, Alopecia, Nail Dystrophy, Paronychia (infection around the nails) and Angular Stomatitis (inflammation of the angle of the mouth) are common diseases among alcoholics.
9. Alcoholism is a ‘disease’
Medical doctors have now turned liberal towards alcoholics and call alcoholism a disease rather than an addiction.
The Islamic Research Foundation has published a pamphlet that says:
If alcohol is a disease, it is the only disease that:
- Is sold in bottles
- Is advertised in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television
- Has licensed outlets to spread it
- Produces revenue for the government
- Brings violent deaths on the highways
- Destroys family life and increases crime
- Has no germs or viral cause
Allah (swt) in His Infinite Wisdom has warned us against this snare ot Satan. Islam is called the “Deen-ul-Fitrah” or the natural religion of Man. All its injunctions are aimed at preserving the natural state of man. Alcohol is a deviation from this natural state, for the individual as well as for society. It degrades man to a level below that of the beasts he claims to be superior to. Hence the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in Islam.
Why are two witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man?
1. Two female witnesses not always considered equal to one male witness
There are no less than three verses in the Qur’an which speak about witnesses without specifying man or woman.
a) While making a will of inheritance, two just persons are required as witnesses. In Surah Maidah chapterS verse 106, the Glorious Qur’an says:
“Oh you who believe! When death approaches any of you, (take) witnesses among yourself when making bequests,— two just persons of your own (brotherhood) or others from outside if you are journeying through the earth and the chance of death befalls you.” [AL-Qur’an 5:106]
b) Two persons endued with justice in case of talaq.
“And take for witness two persons from among you, endued with justice, and establish the evidence (as) before Allah”. [AL-Qur’an 65:2]
c) Four witnesses are required in case of charge against chaste women
“And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegatios) flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence even after: for such men are wicked transgressors” [AL-Qur’an 24:4]
2. Two female witnesses is equal to male witness only in financial transaction
It is not true that two female witnesses are always considered as equal to only one male witness. It is true only in certain cases. There are about five verses in the Qur’an that mention witnesses, without specifying male or female. There is only one verse in the Qur’an, that says two female witnesses are equal to one male witness. This verse is Surah Baqarah, chapter 2 verse 282. This is the longest verse in the Qur’an and deals with financial transactions. It says:
“Oh! ye who believe! When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligation in a fixed period of time reduce them to writing and get two witnesses out of your own men and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses so that if one of them errs the other can remind her.” [AL-Qur’an 2:282]
This verse of the Qur’an deals only with financial transactions. In such cases, it is advised to make an agreement in writing between the parties and take two witnesses, preferably both of which should be men only. In case you cannot find two men, then one man and two women would suffice.
For instance, suppose a person wants to undergo an operation for a particular ailment. To confirm the treatment, he would prefer taking references from two qualified surgeons. In case he is unable to find two surgeons, his second option would be one surgeon and two general practitioners who are plain MBBS doctors.
Similarly in financial transactions, two men are preferred. Islam expects men to be the breadwin ners of their families. Since financial responsibility is shouldered by men, they are expected to be well versed in financial transactions as compared to women. As a second option, the witness can be one man and two women, so that if one of the women errs the other can remind her. The Arabic word used in the Qur’an is ‘Tazil’ which means ‘confused’ or ‘to err’. Many have wrongly translated this word as ‘to forget’. Thus financial transactions constitute the only case in which two female witnesses are equal to one male witness.
3. Two female witnesses equal to one male witness even in the case of murder
However, some scholars are of the opinion that the feminine attitude can also have an effect on the witness in a murder case. In such circumstances a woman is more terrified as compared to a man. Due to her emotional condition she can get confused. Therefore, according to some jurists, even in cases of murder, two female witnesses are equivalent to one male witness. In all other cases, one female witness is equivalent to one male witness. In all other cases, one female witness is equivalent to one male witness.
4. Qur’an clearly specifies that one female witness equal to one male witness
There are some scholars who are of the opinion that the rule of two female witnesses equal to one male witness should be applied to all the cases. This cannot be agreed upon because one particular verse of the Qur’an from Surah Noor chapter 24, verse 6 clearly equates one female witness and one male witness:
“And those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own - their solitary evidence can be received.” [Al-Qur’an 24:6]
5. Solitary witness of Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) is sufficient for Hadith to be accepted
Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) the wife of the beloved Prophet has narrated no less than 2220 Ahadith which are considered authentic only on her solitary evidence. This is sufficient proof that one witness of a women can also be accepted.
Many jurists agree that even one witness of a woman is sufficient for the sighting of the crescent of the moon. Imagine one woman witness is sufficient for one of the pillars of Islam, i.e. fasting and the whole Muslim community of men and women agree and accept her witness! Some jurists say that one witness is required at the beginning of Ramadaan and two witnesses at the end of Ramadaan. It makes no difference whether the witnesses are men or women.
6. Female witnesses are preferred in some cases
Some incidents require only female witness and that of a male cannot be accepted. For instance, in dealing with the problems of women, while giving the burial bath i.e. ‘ghusl’ to a woman, the witness has to be a woman.
The seeming inequality of male and female witnesses in financial transactions is not due to any inequality of the sexes in Islam. It is only due to the different natures and roles of men and women in society as envisaged by Islam.
Under Islamic law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?
1. Inheritance in the Qur’an
The Glorious Qur’an contains specific and detailed guidance regarding the
division of the inherited wealth, among the rightful beneficiaries.
The Qur’anic verses that contain guidance regarding inheritance are:
* Surah Baqarah, chapter 2 verse 180
* Surah Baqarah, chapter 2 verse 240
* Surah Nisa, chapter 4 verse 7-9
* Surah Nisa, chapter 4 verse 19
* Surah Nisa, chapter 4 verse 33 and
* Surah Maidah, chapter5 verse 106-108
2. Specific share of inheritance for the relatives
There are three verses in the Qur’an that broadly describe the share of close relatives i.e. Surah Nisah chapter 4 verses 11, 12 and 176. The translation of these verses are as follows:
“Allah (thus) directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females, if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance; If only one, her share is a half.
For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; If no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third; if the deceased left brothers (or sisters) the mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies and debts. Ye know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
In what your wives leave, your share is half. If they leave no child; but if they leave a child, ye get a fourth; after payment of legacies and debts. In what ye leave, their share is a fourth, if ye leave no child; but if ye leave a child, they get an eight; after payment of legacies and debts. If the man or woman whose inheritance is in question, has left neither ascendants nor descendants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a sixth; but if more than two, they share in a third; after payment of legacies and debts; so that no loss is caused (to anyone). Thus it is ordained by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowing Most Forbearing” [AL-Qur’an 4:11 -12]
“They ask thee for a legal decision. Say: Allah directs (them) about those who leave no descendants or ascendants as heirs. If it is a man that dies, leaving a sister but no child, she shall have half the inheritance. If (such a deceased was) a woman who left no child, Her brother takes her inheritance. If there are two sisters, they shall have two thirds of the inheritance (between them). If there are brothers and sisters, (they share), the male having twice the share of the female. Thus doth Allah (swt) makes clear to you (His knowledge of all things).
[AL-Qur’an 4:176]
3. Female some times inherits same or more than male counter part In most of the cases, a woman inherits half of what her male counterpart inherits.
However, this is not always the case. In case the deceased has left no ascendant or descendent but has left the uterine brother and sister, each of the two inherit one sixth.
If the deceased has left children, both the parents that is mother and father get an equal share and inherit one sixth each. In certain cases, a woman can also inherit a share that is double that of the male. If the deceased is a woman who has left no children, brothers or sisters and is survived only by her husband, mother and father, the husband inherits half the property while the mother inherits one third and the father the remaining one sixth. In this particular case, the mother inherits a share that is double that of the father.
4. Female usually inherits half the share of that of the male counter part
It is true that as a general rule, in most cases, the female inherits a share that is half that of the male. For instance in the following cases:
daughter inherits half of what the son inherits,
wife inherits 1/8th and husband 1/4th if the deceased has no children.
Wife inherits 1/4th and husband 1/2 if the deceased has children
If the deceased has no ascendant or descendent, the sister inherits a share that is half that of the brother.
Male inherits double than the female because he financially supports the family
In Islam a woman has no financial obligation and the economical responsibility lies on the shoulders of the man. Before a woman is married it is the duty of the father or brother to look after the lodging, boarding, clothing and other financial requirements of the woman. After she is married it is the duty of the husband or the son. Islam holds the man financially responsible for fulfilling the needs of his family. In order to do be able to fulfill the responsibility the men get double the share of the inheritance. For example, if a man dies leaving about Rs. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand, for the children (i.e one son and one daughter) the son inherits One Hundred Thousand rupees and the daughter only Fifty Thousand rupees. Out of the one hundred thousand which the son inherits, as his duty towards his family, he may have to spend on them almost the entire amount or say about eighty thousand and thus he has a small percentage of inheritance, say about twenty thousand, left for himself. On the other hand, the daughter, who inherits fifty thousand is not bound to spend a single penny on anybody. She can keep the entire amount for herself. Would you prefer inheriting one hundred thousand rupees and spending eighty thousand from it, or inheriting fifty thousand rupees and having the entire amount to yourself?
How can you prove that the Qur’an is the word of God?
(to be corrected and provided after a few days)
* approximately 5 pages
How can you prove the existence of hereafter, i.e. life after death? Answer
1. Belief in the hereafter is not based on blind faith?
Many people wonder as to how a person with a scientific and logical temperament, can lend any credence to the belief of life after death. People assume that anyone believing in the hereafter is doing so on the basis of blind belief.
My belief in the hereafter is based on a logical argument.
2. Hereafter a logical belief
There are more than a thousand verses in the Glorious Qur’an, containing scientific facts (refer my book “Qur’an and Modern Science-Compatible or Incompatible?”). Many facts mentioned in the Qur’an have been discovered in the last few centuries. But science has not advanced to a level where it can confirm every statement of the Qur’an.
Suppose 80% of all that is mentioned in the Qur’an has been proved 100% correct. About the remaining 20%, science makes no categorical statement, since it has not advanced to a level, where it can either prove or disprove these statements. With the limited knowledge that we have, we cannot say for sure whether even a single percentage or a single verse of the Qur’an from this 20% portion is wrong. Thus when 80% of the Qur’an is 100% correct and the remaining 20% is not disproved, logic says that even the 20% portion is correct. The existence of the hereafter, which is mentioned in the Qur’an, falls in the 20% ambiguous portion which my logic says is correct.
3. Concept of peace and human values is useless without the concept of hereafter
Is robbing a good or an evil act? A normal balanced person would say it is evil. How would a person who does not believe in the hereafter convince a powerful and influential criminal that robbing is evil?
Suppose I am the most powerful and influential criminal in the world. At the same time I am an Intelligent and a logical person. I say that robbing is good because it helps me lead a luxurious life. Thus robbing is good for me.
If anybody can put forward a single logical argument as to why it is evil for me, I will stop immediately. People usually put forward the following arguments:
a. The person who is robbed will face difficulties
Some may say that the person who is robbed will face difficulties. I certainly agree that it is bad for the person who is robbed. But it is good for me. If I rob a thousand dollars, I can enjoy a good meal at a S star restaurant.
b. Some one may rob you
Some people argue that someday I may be robbed. No one can rob me because I am a very powerful criminal and I have hundreds of bodyguards. I can rob anybody but nobody can rob me. Robbing may be a risky profession for a common man but not for an influential person like me.
c. The police may arrest you
Some may say, if you rob, you can be arrested by the police. The police cannot arrest me because I have the police on my payroll. I have the ministers on my payroll. I agree that if a common man robs, he will be arrested and it will be bad for him, but I am an extraordinarily influential and powerful criminal.
Give me one logical reason why it is bad for me and I will stop robbing.
d. Its easy money
Some may say its easy money and not hard-earned money. I agree completely that it is easy money, and that is one of the main reasons why I rob. If a person has the option of earning money the easy as well as the hard way, any logical person would choose the easy way.
e. It is against humanity
Some may say it is against humanity and that a person should care for other human beings. I counter argue by asking as to who wrote this law called ‘humanity’ and why should I follow it?
This law may be good for the emotional and sentimental people but I am a logical person and I see no benefit in caring for other human beings.
f. It is a selfish act
Some may say that robbing is being selfish. It is true that robbing is a selfish act; but then why should I not be selfish? It helps me enjoy life.
1. No logical reason for robbing being an evil act
Hence all arguments that attempt to prove that robbing is an evil act are futile. These arguments may satisfy a common man but not a powerful and influential criminal like me. None of the arguments can be defended on the strength of reason and logic. It is no surprise that there are so many criminals in this world.
Similarly raping, cheating etc. can be justified as good for a person like me and there is no logical argument that can convince me that these things are bad.
Now let us switch sides. Suppose you are the most powerful and influential criminal in the world, who has the police and the ministers on his payroll. You have army of thugs to protect you. I am a Muslim who will convince you that robbing, raping, cheating, etc. are evil acts.
Even if I put forth the same arguments to prove that robbing is evil the criminal will respond the same way as he did earlier.
I agree that the criminal is being logical and all his arguments are true only when he is the most powerful and influential criminal.
3. Every human being wants justice
Each and every human being desires justice. Even if he does not want justice for others he wants justice for himself. Some people are intoxicated by power and influence and inflict pain and suffering on others. The same people, however, would surely object if some injustice was done to them. The reason such people become insensitive to the suffering of others is that they worship power and influence. Power and influence, they feel, not only allows them to inflict injustice on others but also prevents others from doing likewise to them.
4. God is Most Powerful and Just
As a Muslim I would convince the criminal about the existence of Almighty God (refer to answer proving the existence of God). This God is more powerful than you and at the same time is also just. The Glorious Qur’an says:
“Allah is never unjust in the least degree” [AL-Qur’an 4:40 ]
5. Why does God not punish me?
The criminal, being a logical and scientific person, agrees that God exists, after being presented with scientific facts from the Qur’an. He may argue as to why God, if He is Powerful and Just, does not punish him.
6. The people who do injustice should be punished
Every person who has suffered injustice, irrespective of financial or social status, almost certainly wants the perpetrator of injustice to be punished. Every normal person would like the robber or the rapist to be taught a lesson. Though a large number of criminals are punished, many even go scot-free. They lead a pleasant, luxurious life, and even enjoy a peaceful existence. If injustice is done to a powerful and influential person, by someone more powerful and more influential than he, even such a person would want that person perpetrators of injustice to be punished.
7. This life is a test for the hereafter
This life is a test for the hereafter. The Glorious Qur’an says:
“He who created Deathand life that He may try which of you is best in deed; and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving” [AL-Qur’an 67:2]
8. Final justice on day of judgement
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.” [Al-Qur’an 3:185]
Final justice will be meted out on the Day of Judgement. After a person dies, he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement along with the rest of mankind. It is possible that a person receives part of his punishment in this world. The final reward and punishment will only be in the hereafter. God Almighty may not punish a robber or a rapist in this world but he will surely be held accountable on the Day of Judgement and will be punished in the hereafter i.e. life after death.
9. What punishment can the human law give Hitler?
Hitler incinerated six million Jews during his reign of terror. Even if the police had arrested him, what punishment can the human law give Hitler for justice to prevail? The most they can do is to send Hitler to the gas chamber. But that will only be punishment for the killing of one Jew. What about the remaining five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine Jews?
10. Allah can burn Hitler more than six million times in hellfire
Allah say in the Glorious Qur’an:
“Those who reject Our signs, We shall sooncast into the Fire;as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise” [Al-Qur’an 4:56 ]
If Allah wishes he can incinerate Hitler six million times in the hereafter in the hellfire.
11. No concept of human values or good and bad without concept of hereafter
It is clear that without convincing a person about the hereafter, i.e. life after death, the concept of human values and the good or evil nature of acts is impossible to prove to any person who is doing injustice especially when he is influential and powerful.
When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims?
1. Muslims Should be United
It is a fact that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The tragedy is that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam at all. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;” [AL-Qur’an 3:103]
Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Besides saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
Qur’an further says,
“Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger” [AL-Qur’an 4:59 ]
All the Muslim should follow the Qur’an and authentic ahadith and be not divided among themselves.
2. It is Prohibited to make sects and divisions in Islam
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.” [AL-Qur’an 6:159]
In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.
But when one asks a Muslim, “who are you?”, the common answer is either ‘I am a Sunni, or ‘I am Shia’. Some call themselves Hanafi, or Shafi or Maliki or Humbali. Some say ‘I am a Deobandi’, while some others say ‘I am a Barelvi’.
3. Our Prophet was a Muslim
One may ask such Muslims, “Who was our beloved prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or a Shafi, or a Humbali or a Maliki?” No! He was a Muslim, like all the other prophets and messengers of Allah before him.
It is mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim. Further, in chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a Christian but was a Muslim.
4. Qur’an says call yourselves Muslim
a. If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say “I am a MUSLIM, not a Hanafi or a Shafi”. Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 says
“Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those Who bow in Islam (Muslim)?’” [AL-Qur’an 41:33]
The Qur’an says “Say I am of those who bow in Islam”. In other words, say, “I am a Muslim”.
b. The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Ali lmran chapter 3 verse 64:
Say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).” [Al-Qur’an 3:64]
5. Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam
We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four lmaams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Humbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hardwork. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the views and research of Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi, etc. But when posed a question, ‘who are you?’, the reply should only be ‘I am a Muslim’.
Some may argue by quoting the hadith of our beloved Prophet from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4S79. In this hadith the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My community will be split up into seventy-three sects.”
This hadith reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-three sects. He did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects. The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the people who are on the true path.
According to Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My Umma will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one sect.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.”
The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses, “Obey Allah and obey His Messenger”. A true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight, regardless of how learned the scholar might be.
If only all Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, lnshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one united Muslim Ummah.
All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?
1. Major difference between Islam and most other religions
All religions basically exhort mankind to be righteous and eschew evil. But Islam
goes beyond that. It guides us towards practical ways of achieving righteousness and eliminating evil from our individual and collective lives. Islam takes into account human nature and the complexities of human society. Islam is guidance from the Creator Himself. Therefore, Islam is also called the Deenul-Fitrah (the natural religion of Man).
2. Example - Islam commands us to shun robbery and also prescribes method of eli-minating robbery
a. Islam prescribes method of eliminating robbery
All major religions teach that theft is an evil act. Islam teaches the same. So what is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference lies in the fact that Islam, besides teaching that robbing is evil, shows a practical way of creating a social structure in which people will not rob.
b. Islam prescribes Zakat
Islam prescribes a system of Zakat (obligatory annual charity). Islamic law prescribes that every person who has a saving that exceeds the nisab level i.e. more than 8S grams of gold, should give 2.S% of that saving every lunar year in charity. If every rich person in the world gave Zakat sincerely, poverty will be eradicated from this world. Not a single human being would die of hunger.
c. Chopping off the hands as punishment for robbery
Islam prescribes chopping off the hands of the convicted robber. The Glorious Qur’an says in Surah Maidah:
“As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands:a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power, full of wisdom.” [Al-Qur’an 5:38]
The non-Muslim may say, “Chopping off the hands in this 20th century. Islam is a barbaric and ruthless religion!”
d. Results achieved when Islamic Shariah Implemented
I agree that the amount of theft that takes place in the world today is so tremendous that if you chop off the hands of all the thieves, there will be tens of thousands of people whose hands will be chopped off. The point here is that the moment you implement this law the rate of theft will decline immediately. The potential robber would give it a serious thought before jeopardizing his limbs. The mere thought of the punishment itself will discourage majority of the robbers. There will barely be a few who would rob. Hence only a few person’s hands would be chopped off but millions would live peacefully without fear of being robbed.
Islamic Shariah is therefore practical, and achieves results.
3. Example: Islam prohibits the molestation and rape of women. It enjoins hijab and prescribes capital punishment for a convicted rapist.
a. Islam prescribes method of eliminating molestation and rape
All the major religions declare the molestation and rape of women as grave sins. Islam teaches the same. What then is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference lies in the fact that Islam does not merely preach respect for women, or abhor molestation and rape as serious crimes, but also gives clear guidance as to how society can eliminate such crimes.
b. Hijab for men
Islam has a system of hijab. The Glorious Qur’an first mentions hijab for the men and then for the women. Hijab for the men is mentioned in the following verse:
“Say to the believing men that they should lowertheir gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.” [Al-Qur’an 24:30]
The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.
c. Hijab for women
Hijab for women is mentioned in the following verse:
“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons….” [Al-Qur’an 24:31]
The extent of hijab for a woman is that her complete body should be covered. The only part that can be seen, are the face and the hands up to the wrists. If they wish to cover, they can even cover these parts of the body. However some Islamic scholars insist that even the face should be covered.
d. Hijab prevents molestation
The reason why Allah has prescribed Hijab for the women is given in the Qur’an in the folowing verse of Surah Al-Ahzab:
“O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women,that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, most Merciful.” [Al-Qur’an 33:59]
The Qur’an says that Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women this would prevent them from being molested.
e. Example of twin sisters
Suppose two sisters who are twins and who are equally beautiful, walk down a street. One of them is wearing the Islamic Hijab i.e. the complete body is covered except for the face and the hands up to the wrists, and the other twin is wearing a mini skirt or shorts. Around the corner there is a hooligan who is waiting for an opportunity to tease a girl. Who will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Hijab or the girl wearing the mini skirt or shorts? Dresses that expose more than they conceal, are an indirect temptation to the opposite sex for teasing, molestation and rape. The Qur’an rightly says that the hijab prevents women from being molested.
f. Capital punishment for rapist
The Islamic shariah prescribes capital punishment for a convicted rapist. The non-Muslim may be horrified at such a stringent punishment in this age. Many accuse Islam of being ruthless and barbaric. I have asked a common question to hundreds of non-Muslim men. Suppose God-forbid, some one rapes your wife, your mother or your sister and you are made the judge. The rapist is brought in front of you. What punishment would you give him? All of them said, “we would put him to death.” Some went to the extent of saying, “we would torture him to death”, If your wife or your mother is raped you want the rapist to be put to death. But if someone else’s wife or mother is raped, capital punishment is a barbaric law. Why the double standards?
g. U.S.A. has one of the highest rate of Rape
The United States of America is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries of the world. An FB.l report in the year 1990 says that 1,02,555 cases of rape were reported. It further says that only 16% of the cases of rapes are reported. Thus, in order to know the actual number of rapes that took place in 1990, the reported figure should be multiplied by 6.25. We get a total of 6,40,968 rape cases that took place in the year 1990. If the total is divided by 365 the number of days in a year, we get an average of 1,756 rape incidents everyday.
Later another report said that an average of 1900 cases of rape are committed in U.S.A every day. According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice Statistics (U. S. Dept. of Justice) in 1996 alone 3,07,000 cases of rape were reported. Only 31% of the actual cases of rape were reported. Thus, 3,07,000 X 3.226 = 9,90,322 rapes took place in 1996. That is, an average of 2,713 cases of rape took place everyday in America in 1996. Every 32 seconds one rape is taking place in America . Maybe American rapists got bolder. The FBI report of 1990 continues and says that out of the rape cases that were reported only 10% of the rapist were arrested, that is only 1.6% of the actual rapes committed. Out of those arrested, 50% were let free before the trial. This would mean that only 0.8% of the rapists faced a trial. In other words if a person commits 125 rapes the chances that he will get a punishment for rape is only once. Many would consider this a good gamble. And the report says that of those people who faced trial 50% received sentences of less than a year’s imprisonment though the American law says rape carries a seven year sentence of imprisonment. For a rapist, the judge is lenient to first time offenders. Imagine a person commits 125 rapes and the chances of being convicted is only once, and 50% of the time the judge will grant leniency and give a sentence of less than a year!
h. Results achieved when Islamic Shariah Implemented
Suppose the Islamic shariah is implemented in America . Whenever a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. Every woman wears the Islamic Hijab, that is the complete body is covered except the face and the hands upto the wrists. After this if any man commits rape, he gets capital punishment. The question is, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same or will it decrease? Naturally it will decrease. Islamic Shariah gets results.
4. Islam has Practical Solutions for the Problems of Mankind
Islam is the best way of life because its teachings are not doctrinaire rhetoric but practical solutions for the problems of mankind. Islam achieves results both at the individual and collective levels. Islam is the best way of life because it is a practical, universal religion not confined to any ethnic group or nationality.
Islam is the best way of life because its teachings are not doctrinaire rhetoric but practical solutions for the problems of mankind. Islam achieves results both at the individual and collective levels. Islam is the best way of life because it is a practical, universal religion not confined to any ethnic group or nationality.
If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.?
1. Media maligns Islam
a. Islam is without doubt the best religion but the media is in the hands of the westerners who are afraid of Islam. The media is continuously broadcasting and printing information against Islam. They either provide misinformation about Islam, misquote Islam or project a point out of proportion, if any.
b. When any bomb blasts take place anywhere, the first people to be accused without proof are invariably the Muslims. This appears as headlines in the news. Later, when they find that non-Muslims were responsible, it appears as an insignificant news’ item.
c. If a 50 year old Muslim marries a 15 year old girl after taking her permission, it appears on the front page but when a 50 year old non-Muslim rapes a 6 year old girl, it may appear in the news in the inside pages as ‘Newsbriefs’. Everyday in America on an average 2,713 cases of rape take place but it doesn’t appear in the news, since it has become a way of life for the Americans.
2. Black sheep in every community:
I am aware that there are some Muslims who are dishonest, unreliable, who
cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in
such activities. There are black sheep in every community. I know Muslims who
are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-Muslims under the table.
cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in
such activities. There are black sheep in every community. I know Muslims who
are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-Muslims under the table.
3. Muslims best as a whole:
Inspite of all the black sheep in the Muslim community, Muslims taken on the whole, yet form the best community in the world. We are the biggest community of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e. those who don’t imbibe alcohol. Collectively, we are a community which gives the maximum charity in the world. There is no community as a whole in the world which can show even a candle to the Muslims where modesty is concerned; where sobriety is concerned; where human values and ethics are concerned.
4. Don’t judge a car by its driver:
If you want to judge how good is the latest model of the “Mercedes” car and a person who does not know how to drive sits at the steering wheel and bangs up the car, who will you blame? The car or the driver? But naturally, the driver. To analyze how good the car is, a person should not look at the driver but see the ability and features of the car. How fast is it, what is its average fuel consumption, what are the safety measures, etc. Even if I agree for the sake of argument that the Muslims are bad, we can’t judge Islam by its followers? If you want to judge how good Islam is then judge it according to its authentic sources, i.e. the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith.
5. Judge Islam by its best follower i.e. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh):
If you practically want to check how good a car is put an expert driver behind the steering wheel. Similarly the best and the most exemplary follower of Islam by whom you can check how good Islam is, is the last and final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Besides Muslims, there are several honest and unbiased non-Muslim historians who have acclaimed that prophet Muhammad was the best human being. According to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, ‘The Hundred Most Influential Men in History’, the topmost position, i.e. the number one position goes to the beloved prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh). There are several such examples of non-Muslims paying great tributes to the prophet, like Thomas Carlyle, La-Martine, etc.
Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them Kafirs?
Kafir means one who rejects.
‘Kafir’ is derived from the word ‘kufr’, which means to conceal or to reject. In Islamic terminology, ‘Kafir’ means one who conceals or rejects the truth of Islam and a person who rejects Islam is in English called a ‘non-Muslim’.
If a ‘non-Muslim’ considers being called a ‘non-Muslim’ or ‘Kafir’, which are one and the same, an abuse, it is due to his misunderstanding about Islam. He or she needs to reach out to proper sources of understanding Islam and Islamic terminology, and not only will he not feel abused but appreciate Islam in the proper perspective.
There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (ص) is the Final Messenger of Allah.
Quran and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation? - Part Two - by Dr. Zakir Naik
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· Is Non-Vegetarian Food Permitted or Prohibited for the Human Being? – Part One - by Dr. Zakir Naik
(Back Ground Azaan, By Brother Yusuf Islam)
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(Dr. Mohammed) Now we would be having the question and answer session. To derive more benefit for all of those present here, In the limited time that we have available, we would like the following rules to be observed. Your questions asked should be on the
(Azan Continued….).
topic of the day, ‘Qur’an and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation?’ only. Questions not relevant to the topic will not be entertained. Kindly state your questions briefly and to the point - This is question answer time and not lecture time. Only one question at a time will be permitted - For your second question you would have to go behind the row and await your second chance. We have three mikes provided on the ground; two on my sides, right side, one left side, one these are for the gents. And we have one behind in the centre in the ladies section for the ladies. I am told there are people watching this programme in the Alma Latifi Hall which is full on the video screen. I would request those brothers if they have any questions, to kindly come down on the ground - The volunteers present at your end would assist you in it. We will allow only one question on each of the mikes, in clock wise rotation. First the ladies, second the gent on my right, third the gent on my left, and so on in clockwise manner. Written questions on papers or slips which are available from our volunteers in the isles would be given secondary preference after the open questions on the mikes are answered by Dr. Zakir. In the interest of having a less time wasting, a more educative and an interesting question and answer session, our decision to allow or disallow irrelevant questions will be final. In the interest of eliciting a proper and clear answer from the speaker, kindly state your name and profession before putting forward your question, so his answer can be more appropriate to your understanding. May we have the first question from the ladies section - Member of audience.
(Q) As-salam alaikum - I am Kausar Shaikh, a product of Darul Qur’an Kuwait - Presently I am teaching Arabic in Anushakti Nagar. My question is - It is mentioned in the Qur’an that… ‘one day in the sight of Allah is equal to a thousand years’ and in another place it is mentioned that…‘ one day is equal to fifty thousand years’. Is’nt the Qur’an contradicting itself? - Please explain.
(Dr. Zakir) The Sister has asked a question that, it is mentioned in the Qur’an in a certain place, that…‘one day in the sight of Allah is equal to a thousand years’ - and some where else it is mentioned that, ‘one day in the sight of Allah (SWT) is equal to a fifty thousand years’ - Is’nt this a contradiction? What the sister was referring to a verse of the Holy Qur’an from Surah Al-Hajj, Ch. 22, V. No. 47, as well as Surah Sajdah, Ch. 32, V. No. 5, which does say that…
‘One day in the sight of Allah (SWT) is equal to a thousand years’. And in Surah Maarij Ch. 70, V. No. 4, it says that… ‘One day in the sight of Allah (SWT) is equal to a fifty thousand years of your reckoning’.
Does’nt it seem to be a contradiction? Sister, what these verses in the Holy Qur’an are referring to – it is giving an indication - that time in the sight of Allah (SWT) is incomparable to the earthly time. The earthly time, whether it is a thousand years or whether it is a fifty thousand years, whether it is thousands of years - it is somewhat equal to one day in the sight of Allah, or may be one second in the sight of Allah (SWT) . It is just giving you a reference, that time in the sight of Allah (SWT) is incomparable to the earthly time. But even if you want to take these verses literally, still there is an explanation for that. The Arabic word used in these verses is ‘Yaum’. It has got two different meanings - It can be either translated as ‘day’ or as ‘period’ or as ‘Epoch’…. very long period. So if you read this verse of Surah Sajdah, Ch. 32, V. No. 5, it says…
‘It is Allah who rules the affairs from the Heavens to the Earth and all these go up to him on a day, which is equal to a thousand years of reckoning’.
If you translate this word correctly ‘Yaum’ as ‘period’, it will read that ‘Allah rules all the affairs from the Heavens to the Earth, and all of them go unto him in a period which is equal to a thousand years of your reckoning’. Surah Marijj, Ch.No. 70, V. No. 4, reads that…
‘the spirits and the angels they ascend to Allah (SWT) in a day which is equal to fifty thousand years of your reckoning’. If you translate it correctly, ‘Yaum’ as period - it will read that… ‘the spirits and the angels ascend unto Allah (SWT) in a period equal to fifty thousand years’.
The Qur’an is referring to two different periods - therefore there is no contradiction. For example if I say I will take one hour to reach Vashi… I will take a period of one hour to reach Vashi, and then say I will take a period of fifty hours to reach Shrinagar… to reach Kashmir – it is not contradicting, because both are different periods. So one place the Qur’an says…
‘the period required for all the spirits and the angels to go up unto Allah (SWT) is equal to fifty thousand years of your reckoning’ - and the other place says… ‘the period required for all the affairs to go unto Allah (SWT) is one thousand years’.
There is no contradiction in that. I hope that answers the question.
(Q) As-Salam Alaikum Zakir bhai - My name is Shakir, and I am a Mechanical Engineer student. I would like to ask you a question, that how can you prove to an atheist scientifically the existence of God? .
(Dr.Zakir). The brother has posed a question, how can you scientifically prove the existence of God Almighty, the existence of Allah (SWT) to especially to an Atheist, who does not believe in God. The first thing I will do is that , I will congratulate that Atheist. I will congratulate him - You know why? If you look around us - he is a Hindu because father is a Hindu - He is a Christian because father is a Christian - Some Muslims are Muslims because their fathers are Muslim. This person, though he may be coming from a religious background, he does not believe in the false god which his parents attribute to - so he does not believe in God. I am congratulating him because he has accepted the first word of the ‘Shahada’, the first part of the Islamic creed ‘La Ilaha’ - there is no god. Now my job is to prove ‘Illallah’, ‘but Allah’ - which I shall do Inshaallah. To the other people, I have to first to remove the wrong concept of ‘god’ and then prove the right concept of the Allah (SWT). Here half my job is done. He has already said ‘La Ilaha’ - There is no god. Now I have to prove ‘Illallah’, ‘but Allah’ - which I shall do Inshaallah. You ask this Atheist, that suppose there is an object… an unidentified… may be a flying object which no one in the world has seen - No human being in the world knows about this object. If it is brought in front of you, and if you ask that who will be the first person who will be able to tell you the mechanism of this unidentified object, you have to ask him the question. Who is the first person , who will be able to tell you the mechanism of this new object which no one in the world has seen? After thinking for a while, he will give the answer – ‘the person who will be able to tell you the mechanism…the first person, is the Creator of that object’. Some may say ‘Manufacturer’, some may say ‘Producer’. Whatever they say, don’t grapple with the words…accept it - It will be somewhat similar. Either ‘Creator’, or ‘Producer’, or ‘Manufacturer’ - but remember what he has told you - Keep it in your mind. Then ask him the next question - How did the Universe come to existence - How was it formed? He will tell you by the Big Bang Theory. Tell him the Qur’an mentions in Surah Anbiya, Ch. 21, V. No. 30, about the Big Bang Theory. Who could have mentioned this in the Qur’an 1400 years ago? - He will tell you… ‘May be it is a fluke’. Don’t argue with him - Next part of the question. We did not know the light of the Moon is reflected light - We came to know recently - You ask him. He will tell you… ‘Yes, yes the light of the Moon is reflected light – it is not its own light’. When we discovered ? He will tell you… ‘Recently, yesterday, fifty years back, hundred years back, yesterday in science’. You tell him, the Qur’an mentioned that – ‘the light of the moon is reflected light’, fourteen hundred years ago. Who could have mentioned that ? May be somebody had a wild guess. Do not argue with him…. Continue - We thought the sun was stationary. You ask him - Is it stationary ? He will say… ‘ No it is rotating and revolving’. When did you learn this? He will tell you… ‘Yesterday… fifty years back… twenty years back’. Qur’an mentioned this fourteen hundred years ago. He will hesitate, but may say – ‘May be, some intelligent person wrote it’. Don’t argue with it… Continue. How was the universe initially - What is celestial matter ? He will tell you ‘it was Smoke’. How did you come to know ? ‘We have got proof, we have got evidence’. You tell him… ‘Qur’an mentioned this fourteen hundred years ago’. Who could have mentioned that? - He will hesitate. Don’t wait for a response… Continue - Keep on posing question after question. All that I have given in the lecture - Keep on posing one question after the other. That, ‘water cycle’, how did you come to know about it? Qur’an mentioned it fourteen hundred years ago. About – ‘every living thing made from water’ - Who could have mentioned that ? Qur’an speaks about Botany - the ‘male and female’ - Who could have mentioned that ? Pose one after the other and ask the question – ‘Who could have written that’ ? Then you tell him there is a theory known as ‘Theory of Probability’.That if you have two choice, out of which one is right - the chances that you will make the correct choice just at random, is one in two. For example, if I toss a coin it can be either heads or tails - The chances I will be right, will be one in two. If I toss it twice, the chances I will be right both the times, will be 1/2 multiplied by 1/2 that is 1/4. Twenty five percent chance. If I toss it thrice, chances I will be right all three times, 1/2 multiplied by 1/2 multiplied by 1/2, it is 1/8. 12 and 1/2 %. A dice has got six sides. If I throw a dice, the chances that at random I will be correct is 1/6. If I through it twice, the chances that both the times I will be right, will be 1/6 x 1/6 which is 1/36. This is called as ‘Theory of Probability’. If I throw the dice twice, and then toss a coin, all three being right will be 1/6 multiplied by 1/6 multiplied by 1/2 is 1/72. So you ask him - the chances may be if you ask - what is the shape of the earth? There are various shapes. Some may say if is flat, some may say its triangular, some may say it is hexagonal, some may say pentagonal, some may say heptagonal, some may say square. Say there can be ten shapes. Some may say it is round, it is spherical - the chances that if any one makes a wild guess, it being correct, is 1/10. ‘The light of the Moon’ - it can either be its own light, or it can be reflected light. The chances that you make a wild guess and it being correct will be one upon two. The chances that both – ‘shape of the earth’ and ‘light of the moon being reflected light’- both being correct, if you make a wild guess - it will be 1/10 multiplied by 1/2, it is 1/20. What can the living creatures be made of ? Some may say ‘Sand’, some may say ‘Stone’, some may say ‘Aluminum’, some may say ‘Gold’ - say a thousand materials you can name. Some may say ‘Water’, some may say ‘Silver’, a thousand materials. The chances that you make a wild guess, and one of them being right according to mathematics, is one upon a thousand. The chances that all three being correct - ‘the earth is spherical’, ‘light of the moon is reflected light’, and ‘every living creature created from water’… is correct, will be 1/10 multiplied by 1/2 multiplied by 1/1000. Answer comes to 1/20,000 or 0.005 percent. Qur’an speaks about scientific… science more than a thousand verses. In three verses, the chances comes to .05 percent. If you apply probability theory to all these being at random, chance it will come to zero… negligible. And in Maths - anything one in ten raise to fifty, it is equal to zero. So you ask your Atheist friend… ‘Who could have written this?’ The only answer he can give you is, his first answer – ‘the Creator’, ‘the Manufacturer’. The person who has produced it – That is the only answer. There is no other answer. What Science is saying today is…‘They are not eliminating God… They are eliminating models of god’. La Ilaha IllAllah. They are not eliminating god but models of god. I hope that answers the question.
(Q) My name is Javed , and I am a student - I would like to ask an question. At one place the Holy Qur’an states that… ‘man is created from sperm’ which is in conciliate with modern science but at another place it also states that… ‘man is made from dust’. Now isn’t the Holy Qur’an contradicting itself ? - Or is it conciliate with modern Science?
(Dr. Zakir). The brother has posed a question that, at one place Holy Qur’an says that ‘human beings have been created from sperm’ which conciliates with modern science - the other place… ‘human being is created from dust’. Can you prove it scientifically – ‘it is created from dust?’ And isn’t there a contradiction - one place… ‘sperm’ - one place it says… ‘dust?’ The Holy Qur’an does say as I mentioned in my talk, in Surah Qiyamah, Ch.75, V. No. 37 to 39. It says that… ‘human beings have been created from sperm’ which has been proved by Science. The Holy Qur’an also says in Surah Hajj, Ch. No. 22, V. No. 5, that…
‘We have created the human beings from a quintessence of dust’.
Today Science tells us that all the elements that are there in the human body - they are present in lesser or greater quantity, in the soil in the earth. So the statement that human beings have been created from earth is scientifically proven. That whatever components are there in the human body - the constituent, the elements - they are present in the Earth, in the soil, in lesser or greater proportion. Your second part of the question. Isn’t it a contradiction? One place the Qur’an says… ‘Man is created from sperm’ - one says… ‘from dust’ - Isn’t it a contradiction? See, a contradiction is two statements which are conflicting with each other, which cannot take place simultaneously. The Qur’an does not only say… ‘Man has been created from sperm’… and the other place… ‘from dust’- it also says in Surah Furqaan, Ch. No. 25, V. No. 54, that… ‘Man has been created from water’. You will tell me there are three contradictions. See, Science has proved that man has been created from dust, as well as from sperm, as well as from water. If I tell you in one statement, that to make a cup of tea, I require water. In the second statement, I say to make a cup of tea I require tea leaves or tea powder. It is not a contradiction - I require both. If I want to make sweet tea, I add sugar to it - If I want to make ‘Pani kum’ tea, I add less water and more milk. If I want to make ‘Sulaimani’ tea I add only water. So there is no contradiction when the Qur’an says… ‘Human being is created from sperm and dust and water’. It is actually contradistinction - What’s the meaning of contradistinction? Contradistinction means, speaking two or more things about a subject, which are not conflicting with each other. For example, if I say that… ‘this man - he is honest, he is kind and loving’- It is contradistinction. But if I say… ‘this man is always a liar and a truthful person’- then it is a contradiction, because both are opposing. If it is not opposing, it is called as a contradistinction.
(Clapping ).
Next question from the ladies’ section.
(Q) As-Salam Alaikum brother - My name is Farida Ansari - I am a laboratory technician. Qur’an says… ‘Allah is the Creator of the human being’ - Does science agree with it ?
(Dr. Zakir). The sister has posed a question, that the Qur’an mentions that Allah (SWT) is the Creator of the human beings - Does Science agree with it? And Qur’an says in several places including the last verse of the Embryological stages, that is Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, V. No. 14, that… ‘Allah is the best to create’. Can we prove it scientifically that Allah is the Creator? Qur’an gives the answer… Qur’an gives the answer in Surat Tur, Ch. No. 52, V. No. 35. It poses a question – ‘that were you created from nothing?’ It poses a question – ‘that were you created from nothing?’ See… the Arabic word used for ‘Creator’, in all the verses of the Qur’an, is ‘Khaliq’… is derived from the Arabic word ‘Khalaqa’. Arabic word ‘Khalaqa’ has got four meanings. One meaning is ‘to create some thing from nothing’… without any previous example. That is only possible for Allah (SWT). Second meaning of ‘Khalaqa’ is… ‘to create some thing new from pre-existing material’. The third meaning is of ‘Khalaqa’ – ‘Programming’ or ‘Planning’. And the last meaning is, ‘to make smooth’. So Qur’an poses the question in Surah Tur, Ch. No. 52, V.No. 35, that… ‘Were you created from nothing?’ But natural the answer is negative… No - Human beings are not created from nothing. They pose the next question – ‘Were you the Creators, or We the Creator ?’ We know very well, that man cannot create another man. If he could do that, the moment he died he would have created himself back. If his relatives would have died, he would have got them back to life. Human beings cannot even create living creature as such as fly, leave aside human being. Neither can you attribute the organs of the body , say… the reproductive organs, like testes or ovaries - that they are the cause for our creation. Because if you say that the testes, the uterus, etc., are the cause, then you have to include your ancestors - their reproductive systems, their ancestors, their ancestors, all are responsible. So the answer is negative. Qur’an poses the next question in Surah Waqiah, Ch. 56, V. No. 58 and 59…
‘that do you not look at the sperm you have emitted. Were you the Creator or we the Creator?’
And but natural all these questions that Qur’an poses the answer is negative. Some people can say… ‘it is by chance’ – ‘By chance we were created’. They say… ‘Nature… Nature… Natural things’ - It happened by chance.
Let us analyse scientifically, whether the human beings can be created by chance. The protein molecule is a very important structure of the living cell -Very important part in the living structure of the cell. The protein molecule consists of five elements - the Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Sulphur . And there are tens and thousands of Atoms required to make one Molecule. One Atom has five elements - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Sulphur . There are tens of thousands of Atoms, which make one Protein Molecule - And there are approximately 92 free elements. The chances that out of these 92, the five will form an Atom… and these atoms will form tens and thousands of Atom, to form one Protein Molecule was calculated by Frank Alien . And he said… ‘the chances are 1/10 raised to 160’ . You know what is the meaning of 1/10 raised to 160? If I say 1/10 raised to two, ten raise to two means, one zero zero zero. One in hundred - Chance is one percent. If I say 1/10 raised to three, it means one in a thousand – That is 1 percent. If I say 1/10 raise to four it means one in ten thousand - Means point 0.01%. So when the calculation was made, (1/10) raised to 160. It means point zero zero zero zero zero hundred and fifty seven zeros, then one. And mathematics tells, ‘anything 1/10 raised to fifty, is counted as zero’. Further more, this is talking about one molecule. And the substance required to form this one molecule of protein was calculated by another person Charles Guy - that it will require millions of times of substance as huge as our Galaxy. Millions of galaxies will be required to form this one molecule of protein. And the time was calculated by Charles Guy - the time taken for one protein molecule to be formed, will be ten raised to 263 years. You know what is that? One zero zero zero zero zero zero, 263 zeros, it will take to form one protein molecule. And do you know there are how many protein molecule in one cell ? And do you know how many other molecules are there in the cell ? And how many cells are there in the human being ? There are more than six billion molecules when a child is born. That is what doctors tell us today, six billion. One protein molecule takes 1/10 raise to 160 chances. Time taken is ten raise to two hundred and forty three years. To take six billion for one baby imagine. And how many women are pregnant ? There are millions of women pregnant at a time - And it takes only 9 months. ‘The chances’… Science tells us, ‘is zero zero zero, no chance at all’. These things cannot take by chance - they have to be programmed by Someone. Science tells us… ‘There has to be Someone , some Supernatural force’. Therefore science as I said earlier, is not eliminating God’ - It is eliminating models of god. ‘La Ilaha IllAllah’. Hope that answers the question. (Clapping)
(Q) Assalamu Alaikum - My name is Ashfaq, and I am a student. My question is, Qur’an in several places has mentioned that…
‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days’. But in Surah Fussilat, it says… ‘the Heaven and the Earth was created in eight days’ - Isn’t this a contradiction? In the same Verse also says… ‘that the Earth was created in six days, and then later, on the Heaven in two days’. This is against the Big Bang Theory… ‘that the Heavens and Earth were created simultaneously’.
(Dr. Zakir). Brother has posed a very important question. The Qura’n says… ‘the Heaven and the Earth were created in six days’ and in Surat Fussilat, it says… ‘eight days’. Isn’t there a contradiction - and also contradiction with the Big Bang Theory. I do agree with you brother the Qur’an says in several places that… ‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days, in several places’. In Surah Araf, Ch. 7, V. No. 54; in Sura Yunus, Ch. 10, V. No. 3; in Surah Hud, Ch. 11, V. No.7; in Surah Furqan Ch. 25, V. No.59; Surah Sajdah, Ch. 32, V. No. 4; in Surah Hadid, Ch. 57, V. No. 4. In several places, the Qur’an says… ‘the Heavens and the Earth were created in six days’. It is not the earthly days - It is ‘Ayyaam’. ‘Very long periods’ - which Scientists have got no objection. And I also agree with you, that in the Qur’an does speak about… ‘the creation of the Heavens and the Earth’… in Surah Fussilat. The verse you are refering to brother is Verses 9 to12, which says that…
‘Do you not believe in the One who has created the Earth in two days… and do you join equals with Him - Do you join partners with Him, who is the Lord of the worlds’? Verse No. 10 says… ‘He has set on the Earth, mountains standing firm and given due nourishment on the Earth, in four days’. Verse No. 11 says…. ‘Moreover in His design, He comprehended the sky when it was smoke and He said to it and the Earth… ‘come ye together willingly or unwillingly’, and they said ‘we come together in willing obedience’.
This, He did in two days. For if you read it just without thinking two plus four plus two is eight days. Qur’an gives the answer in starting of the Verse - that is… says that… ‘all those who will take out this fault, they are equal to those people who will join partners to God’. Means, Allah (SWT) knew that there will be people who will take out fault in the Qur’an, in this verse - they will be the Mushrikhs. And today this verse is commonly used by the Christian missionaries against the Mulsims. If you go around… I have been travelling in the world - this question was posed to me even there - the Christian missionaries they pose this question. Qur’an says… it predicts… that people will ask about this question, and these people will be those who associate partners with God. Let us analyse the first two Verses – that is, Surah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse No. 9 to 10 says… that…
‘the Earth was created in two days, and then mountains were set on it, and nourishment was given in due proportion in four days’.
So it says two days the Earth was formed mountains were set on it afterwards in four days total comes to six days. Then Verse No. 11, starts with the Arabic word ‘Summa’. Now the Arabic word ‘Summa’, can be translated in three different ways. One is ‘Then’, one is ‘Moreover’, and the other is ‘Simultaneously’. I do know that many translations have translated the Arabic word ‘Summa’, as ‘then’. If you translate ‘Summa’ as ‘then’ - then there is a contradiction. It says… ‘then’ the Heavens were made in two days. That means two plus four, plus two is equal to eight days. But the exact translation should be ‘Summa’ - should be translated as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’. And Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Alhamdullillah in this place has translated ‘Summa’ correctly - as ‘Moreover’. If you translate ‘Summa’, as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’ - it will mean that when the Earth and the Mountains were created in six days, ‘Simultaneously’ the Heavens were created in two days. For example suppose a builder he gives in his brochure… ‘that I have constructed a ten story building along with it’s surrounding and compound wall, in six months. When a person who wants to buy a flat in that building - he goes to the builder and he asks for more details. So the builder says… ‘It took me two months to make the basement of the building ,and another four months to make the ten story. And while I was building the basement and the story, I simultaneously built the compound wall and the surrounding in two months’. It is possible - so then he is not contradicting - Total comes to yet six months. So similarly when Surah Fussilat, Ch. 41, Verse No. 9 to 12, it says that…
‘While the Earth was created along with the mountain in six days simultaneously the Heaven was created in two days’
There is no contradiction. And similarly if you take ‘then’ - it contradicts with Science, because Earth was created first , ‘then’ were created the Mountains – It is contradicting. Similarly Qur’an speaks in Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, Verse 29, that…
‘Allah made the Earth , ‘Summa’ the Heaven’.
But unfortunately , here Abdullah Yusuf Ali has translated ‘Summa’ wrongly, as ‘then’. In Verse 29, of Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, he translates ‘Summa’, as ‘then’. Allah created the Earth, and then the Heaven - Then there is a contradiction. Even here ‘Summa’ should be translated as ‘Moreover’ or ‘Simultaneously’. If it is translated ‘Simultaneously’ - then it is not a contradiction, because the Big Bang Theory tells us that, the Earth and Heaven were created simultaneously. No wonder in the Qur’an… the Qur’an says in many places… ‘We created the heavens and the earth’, in the other places it says… ‘We created the earth and the heavens’. Giving evidence to the verse of the Qur’an of Surah Anbiya, Ch. 21, Verse No. 30, which says… (Arabic) …
‘that do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the Earth were joined together and We clove them asunder’.
(Q) Assalam Alaikum - I am Gulam Mohammed - I appreciate your explanation about the Bi-Sexual reproduction in animals. And my question is, can you support this change of sexes in animals and plants, with the change of Nutrients and Environment, with the Qur’anic versions, and also the production of fruits without fertilization ?
(Dr. Zakir). That is right - Brother has asked a very good question. He has asked a question that scientifically can you prove that - there are certain plants he mentioned, and I can mention more few also… Bananas, Papayas they are bi-sexual plants. So if you heard in my talk brother, I made a statement that even the bi-sexual plants - they have got distinct characteristics of male and female. Regarding your question of ‘fruits’ - if you analyze the fruit is the product of reproduction, it is the end product of reproduction of superior plants… of superior plants. The stage before fruit is the stage of flower - the flowers have got both, male and female stamen and ovules. Only after the pollen comes there do you get fruit, and then the fruit gives off seeds, etc - these are known as ‘Parthono Parpic’ fruits. Even in these, there is distinct characteristics of male and female. And the Qur’an rightly says in Surah Rad, Ch. 13, Verse No. 3, that… ‘We have created fruits in pairs, twos and twos’. Hope that answers the question.
(Q) I am Farzana Mulla.My question is with regard to the evolution of Homo-sepians - You have Charles Darwin in Science, giving an explanation that… ‘It is because of the process of natural selection, that the human beings have evolved’. Now this it seems to be in contradiction with the Islamic belief that we have - we are the children of Adam AlaihSalam - Now how can this be reconciled ?
(Dr.Zakir). This is a very important question. No lecture of mine on this topic of ‘Qur’an and Modern Science’, is complete without this question. I have given this talk in various places in Canada, in U.S.A, in U.K, in Saudi - Never is this topic complete - never is the Question and Answer session complete, without this important question of ‘Theory of Evolution’… Charles Darwin. Sister has posed the question - how can you reconcile the Qur’an, with Darwin ’s ‘Theory of Evolution’? Sister, I have not come across any book which says… ‘Fact of Evolution’. All the books say ‘Theory of Evolution’ - there is no book I have come across saying fact of evolution. If you read the book by Charles Darwin ‘The Origin of Species’ - It says that… “Charles Darwin went on an island by the name of ‘Keletropist’ on a ship named as ‘HMS Beagel’ and there he found birds pecking at niches. Depending upon the Ecological niches they peck, the beaks kept on becoming long and short. This observation was made in the same species - not in different species”. Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his friend Thomas Thomtan, in 1861 saying ‘I do not believe in ‘Natural Selection’- the word that you use - I don’t believe in ‘Theory of Evolution’ because I haven’t got any proof. I only believe in it because it helps me in classification of Embryology, in Morphology, in rudimentary organs’. Charles Darwin himself said that , there were missing links. He did not agree with it - He himself said that there were missing links. Therefore , if I have to insult someone that if you were present at Darwin ’s time this theory would been proved right, trying to insinuate that he looks like an Ape. It is a joke we make. The reason that this theory in most parts of the world - it is taught as good as fact - You know why? Even I was in school - I learnt about Darwin’s theory - and even today they are taught - You know what the reason is sister? The reason is because, that if you analyse, the Church… the Church was against Science previously - and you know the incidence that they sentenced Galileo to death. They sentenced Galileo to death - Why? Because he said certain statements in the Astronomy, etc., which went against the Bible - So they sentenced him to death , for which the Pope apologized now. So when Charles Darwin came up with a theory which goes against the Bible, they did not… they did not want any sufficient proof - An enemy of my enemy is my friend. So all the Scientists… most of them - they supported the theory, because it went against the Bible - not because it was true. They only supported it because it went against the Bible`. All the stages you have mentioned sister… all the stages… ‘Lucy’ - there were four ‘Homonites’. Science tells us today that there were four ‘Homonites’ - first is ‘Lucy’ along with its guy ‘Dosnopytichest’, which died about 3 and a 1/2 million years - the Ice Age. Then next came the ‘Homosepians’, who died about 5 hundred thousand years ago. Then came the ‘Neanderthal Man’, who died hundred to forty thousand years ago. Then came the fourth stage, ‘the Cromagnon’. ‘There is no link at all between these stages’ - According to P. P. Grasse in 1971 who held the Chair of Evolutionary Studies in Paris , in Sojerion University . He said… ‘It is absurd - We cannot say who were our ancestors based on fossils’. I can give you a list of hundreds of scientists and Noble Prize winners who speak against Darwin ’s theory… Hundreds. If you know of Sir Albert George who got the Noble prize for inventing… for inventing the Vitamin ‘C’ - He wrote the book ‘The Can’t Ape and Man’, against Darwin ’s Theory. Again if you read, Sir Fred Hoyle’s work - he wrote several works against Darwin ’s Theory. If you know about Ruperts Albert, this person wrote a new theory of evolution against Darwin ’s Theory. Its unthinkable… you cannot think that we are created from the Apes. If you know of Sir Frank Salosbury… he was a biologist. He said… ‘It is illogical to believe in Darwin ’s theory’. If you know about Whitmeat… Sir Whitemeat, he wrote a book against Darwin ’s Theory - He was also a Biologist. Several ! you can give a list of hundreds. Today it is taught in the schools - Why? … I told you - Media is in their hands. Otherwise there is no proof at all. There are certain proofs at lower level - an Ameba, at lower species level… Ameba can change to Paremishia. Qur’an does not say…‘Ameba cannot change to Paremishia’ - Qur’an does not say. If they have got proof… It cannot be possible… It is not against the Qur’an. But there is no proof at all. People talk about Molecular Biology Theory - they talk about Genetic coding. According to Henses Crake who is a authority in this field - he said… ‘It is unimaginable’. Again if you do that ratio, the probability of one DNA forming, ‘from Ape to Human being, is again Zero’. If I start calculating, I think you will get bored again - You know the calculation. I told you… for one Protein Molecule, it is some what similar from one DNA. It is not possible at all. You know there is theory recently… ‘that homosexuality is Genetic’. And when I read in the Times of India, I thought, surely the moment I attend the next lecture on Sunday at I.R.F, I will be asked this question. ‘If homosexuality is Genetic, how can Allah blame us? - Qur’an speaks against homosexuality’. And I said that see…‘This is a theory wait till it gets established…It is a theory - don’t comment on that Within just matter of span of just few months it was proved to be illogical - and the person who propounded this theory that… ‘Homosexuality is Genetic’ - he himself was an Homosexual. Therefore I said, I am going to give my talk on scientific facts - not on theories and assumption. Darwin ’s theory has not been proven…‘We have not been created from Ape’. There are hundreds of Scientists who speak against that and Qur’an speaks against that also. Qur’an says the first man was Adam (Peace be upon him). InshaAllah they will discover it 100 years afterwards, or may be a 1000 years afterwards. Today there are researches showing, that human being have been created from one pair again - It is just a theory. It supports the Qur’anic verse that human beings have been created from one pair, male and female – It is just a theory, therefore I do not quote that in my talk. InshaAllah it will be established 50 years afterwards, or 100 years afterwards. Then we will know that Qur’an conciliates with this part - So far it is not conflicting – It is not conflicting with established Science, at all. Hope that answers the question.
(Dr. Mohammed) The next question.
(Q) As-salamalaikum - I am Abdul Samir - I am a student. In the Qur’an it is stated. that – ‘the hearts of the unbelievers are sealed’. But according to Science… ‘it is the brain that thinks, and not the heart’ - Your comment please.
(Dr.Zakir). The brother has posed a question - the Qur’an says that… ‘the unbelievers hearts have been sealed by Allah (SWT)’. Today science tells us… ‘it is the brain that thinks and not the heart’ - and I do agree with him. So isn’t the Qur’an unscientific, when it says that… ‘the hearts have been sealed’. And I do agree that Qur’an says in several places, including Surah Bakarah, Ch. 2, Verse No. 7 that…
‘Allah has sealed the hearts of the kafir people’.
Its says… ‘that the seal has been put on the hearts’.
If you know, the Arabic word used here, is ‘Kalb’. The Arabic word ‘Kalb’ has got two meanings - one is ‘heart’, and the other is ‘intelligence’. If you translate correctly the Verse says… ‘Allah has sealed the intelligence of the unbelievers’. And it is scientifically proven, that ‘intelligence’ has to be sealed - not the organic heart. There was a person , who once posed me a question. Brother Zakir, I agree with you that ‘Kalb’ means ‘heart’ as well as ‘intelligence’. But one Verse in the Qur’an says… their ‘hearts’ are behind the breast - Then what you have to give the answer for that? And he was quoting a verse of the Qur’an from Surah Hajj, Ch. 22, Verse No. 46, which says…
‘that their eyes are not blind - it is their heart which is in their breast which is blind’.
So Qur’an says…
‘the eyes are not blind - It is the heart which is within their breast which is blind’.
Today Science tells us… ‘Eyes see, heart cannot see’ - So isn’t this Verse unscientific?. Here the translation has to be ‘heart’ - it cannot be ‘intelligence’. So I tell him - I agree with you that heart has got two translations, but the word used for breast is ‘Sadar’. Sadar also has got 2 meanings - One is ‘Breast’ and the other is ‘Centre’. You know how we have the head of a institution - We say ‘Sadar’ of the institution. That is how we have ‘Centre’… if we have been to Pakistan . How in India we have ‘Chowk’ - over there they have ‘Centres’. ‘Sadar’ so and so… ‘Sadar’ so and so, in Pakistan – ‘Centre’ so and so. ‘Sadar’ also means ‘Centre’. So the correct translation is… ‘the eyes is not which is blind it is the intelligence which is within their centre which is blind’. Say I started in my talk by quoting, the Verse of the Holy Qur’an from Surah Taha, Ch. 20, Verse No. 25 and 28 which says…
‘Rabbi Shruhali Sadre’. ‘O my Lord increase my breast for me’. ‘Rabbi Shruhali Sadre, Vayas Sirli Amre, Vahalul ugdatamilesahani Yafkahokhouli’.
This was a dua made by Moosa-ale Salam , when he was asked by Allah (SWT) to go and deliver the message to the people. He asked Allah… ‘O my Lord increase my breast for me’. So ‘Breast’ is not the correct the translation. What is the ‘Breast’, going to do with the message. It means…
‘O my Lord increase my centre for me’. ‘Rabbi Shuharli Sadre vayas sirli Amre’. ‘And make my task easy for me’. ‘Vahalul Ugdatamileshani Yafkhahokhouli’. ‘And remove the impediment from my speech so that they will understand me’.
As do you know Moosa-Ale-Salam was a stammerer. And if you know whether fortunately or unfortunately, even I happened to be a stammered - in childhood I was a stammerer. Therefore in the beginning of every talk , and even in the beginning of this talk, I said…and I made dua to Allah (SWT). ‘Rabbi Shuharli Sadre… O my Lord increase my centre for me’- I am asking help from Allah (SWT). Increase my centre, and remove the stuttering in my speech. Even today when I don’t speak on the stage , I yet stutter – It is Allah who helps me out on the stage. ‘Rabbi Shruhali Sadre’. O my Lord increase my centre for me, make my task easy for me and remove the barrier from my speech, and between me and the audience, so that they will understand me. Therefore scientifically… scientifically if you analyse the words of Surah Hajj, Ch. 22, Verse No.46, it says…
‘It is not their eyes which are blind - it is their intelligence which is within their centre is blind’.
Because they are not blind - The unbelievers can see – Saying… ‘they are blind’, is unscientific . Like the Qur’an says in Surah Bakarah, Ch. 2, Verse No. 18. It says… It says…
‘that deaf, dumb the blind, they will not return to the path’. ‘Summoon, Bukmoon, Ummyoon Fa Lahum layar jeoon’. ‘the deaf, the dumb, the blind, they will not return to the path’.
It is not talking about physical deaf people - It is talking about the unbelieveres, who hearing they cannot hear, seeing the signs of Allah, they do not accept the Qur’an. So Qur’an is more scientific. It says correctly… ‘they can see, the eyes are not blind - It is their intelligence within their centre which is blind’.
(Dr. Mohammed) The next question from the brother on the left.
(Q). As-Salam Alaikum to everybody who are present here - My name is Kalim Shah. I am in practicing interior designing, here in Bombay . Qur’an have given all the minute details of Embryology, apart from a miracle called ‘Hazrat Adam Ale-Salam’. Is it not a contradictory that Hazrat Issa-ale-Salam is born without a father’s sperms - What is the exact scientific reasoning?
(Dr.Zakir). The Brother has posed a question that , how can you prove scientifically the miracle of Jesus (peace be upon him) - that he was born without a father - without male intervention . Brother as I said in my talk a miracle is an unusual event for which human beings cannot give an explanation. It is an unusual event which is attributed to Super Natural power - to God Almighty. The miracles which took place in the past - most of them does not give an opportunity to analyse them today - because we cannot go back in the past. We cannot go back in the past - there were few miracles, which give us an opportunity to examine. So all the Prophets of Allah (SWT) who came before Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) - they were only sent for their people… only for their people, and the message was for a limited time period. Therefore even the miracle was for a limited time period. What miracles they did then, satisfied those people. Those miracles - just by saying that Jesus Christ was born without any father, will not satisfy the unbeliever - Why? He cannot go back in time and verify. Because all the messengers that came before Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) - they were meant only for their time not for eternity. But Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) - he is the messenger of Allah (SWT) - who is the last and final messenger. He was not only sent for the Muslims or the Arabs - He was sent for the whole of humanity and his message is till eternity. Therefore the miracle , that he has brought, the Holy Qur’an, can be analysed even today – It is a miracle till eternity. Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) has done hundreds of miracles - Other miracles, which we Muslims believe - but we never emphasize that - we Muslims do not boast… of that we Muslims only boast of this, because we cannot prove those miracles scientifically. But this living miracle of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), which was given to him by Allah (SWT), can be analysed by us even today. So previous miracles time does not allow us to go back in time. If we could go back in time we could have analysed how was he born without a father yet brother. I can yet give you a scientific explanation. I can yet give you. Today science tells us there are certain species which can be born without male intervention, and the best example is a male bee. The male Bee is the ‘Egg’ which has not been fertilized by a male. The Queen Bee which lays Eggs… which doesn’t get fertilized by the male - they are born as male. The female Bee is the ‘Egg’, which are fertilized by the male. So there are several animals today in this world, who are born without fertilization. I do know that this thing takes place in lower animals - There is no proof in higher animals. Who does it? Science cannot tell us. Allah (SWT) does it so. When Allah (SWT) can make this possible to happen in Isa Ale-Salam when it is described in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. 3, Verse 45 to 47, it says…(Arabic)…
‘That behold the angels said to Mary - We give thee, you glad tidings of a word from him , his name shall be Christ , son of Mary , who will be held in honour in this world and the hereafter, and he will be amongst the companies of those most righteous… those most righteous’. The verse continues…‘that he will speak to the people in childhood and in maturity, and will be among the people those who are righteous’.
So Mary (peace be upon her), asked… ‘How shall I have a son when no man has touched me’. The answer is given… (Arabic). ‘When Allah decrees a matter, He just says to it ‘Be’… and it is’. I have given you a scientific explanation - when Allah can make it possible in a male Bee, it is very much easy for Allah to make it possible , even in this , in Isa Ale-Salam. For Him… Allah(SWT) to create a Jesus (peace be upon him) - …(Arabic….) ‘When He decrees a matter, He just says to it ‘Be’… and it is’. For Him to create a million people like that , it is just easy. It is a miracle – I am not telling you Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), was born like that… like the male Bee - I do not know. I have given you scientific explanation. When it is possible there, why cannot Allah make it in the higher animal - the human beings. I hope that answer the question .
(Q) Asalam Allaikum brother Zakir - my name is Sanya, I am a revert Muslim. The question is - In your lecture you mentioned the scientific facts from the Qur’an, which have been established - Can you mention a few Qur’anic verses which Science has not confirmed?
(Dr. Zakir). Sister has posed a question that , I have mentioned in my talk, the Scientific facts which Science has already established , it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. Can I mention some few points in the Qur’an, which Science has not established. For example the Qur’an says in Surah Shura, Ch. 42, Verse No. 29, it says…
‘It is Allah who has created the Heavens and the Earth, and put creatures… living creatures throughout them’
Qur’an says there is life besides this earth. Allah has put living creatures throughout the heavens and the earth - there is no scientific evidence… established scientific evidence, that there is life besides this earth. Recently, they have been sending Rockets and Space Ships to different planets… different satellites, etc. And now just a couple months earlier, we read in the newspapers that they got certain material from Mars - which gives proof that life can be there in Mars. And in.. I think day before yesterday’s paper, I read in ‘Times of India’, that they have found water in the Moon - may be a comet crashed and there is a big crater, and the water has been frozen to ice. So in future it will be easier to do investigation - we do not have to take water from planet Earth to Moon. Water is already present there - we can use that water and it will save a lot of trouble. Science is saying there are high possibilities of life being there - besides earth. But since Qur’an says I believe in it. May be after one or two years, they may discover there is life besides this earth - or may be after fifty years. Today Scientists - they have given various views - how will our earth end? Some Scientists have given description - that the mountains will fall down. Some Scientists say the mountain and rock will become smooth when the earth is destroyed - Some people say the ocean will swell up. Some people say the universe will go in a black hole … Several. Qur’an too gives a description about the Day of Judgement - how will our creation end. Many of them match with the theories of Science - theories not established facts. Example, the Qur’an says in Surah Ahkaf, Ch. 46, Verse No. 3,
‘It is Allah who has created the Heavens and the Earth for a limited period of time’.
And Allah will surely give you an indication that this creation will be destroyed and gives various signs in the Qur’an. For example, if you read Surah Qiyamah, Ch. 75, Verse No.8 and 9, it says that… ‘the Moon will be burried in darkness - the Sun and the Moon will join together, before the world… our ends’. If you read Surah Takwir, Ch. 81, Verse No. 1 , 2, 3 and & Verse No. 6, it says that…
‘The sun will be folded up, the stars will fall down, the ocean will swell up, the mountains will fall down in utter ruin’.
Qur’an says in Surah Infitar, Ch. 82, Verse No. 1, 2 and 3, it says…
‘the sky will be left asunder the star will be scattered, the mountains will be fallen down’.
Various signs, how will the earth end is given. These are scientific points mentioned in the Qur’an, which Science has not established yet. For example, the Holy Qur’an also says in Surah Ambiya, Ch. 21, Verse No. 104, that…
‘As We created this creation…We will roll up the Heavens like a scroll is rolled up, and as we created the early creation, We shall create a new creation’.
So Qur’an says…‘there is one more creation that is going to be created after the world is destroyed - Science does not know about that. Qur’an says the first man on the earth was Adam (Alai Salam) - Science has not discover that yet. Qur’an speaks about soul - Science has not established that human beings have got soul. The Holy Qur’an also speaks about Jinns, about Spirits, about Angels - Science has not been able to discover that. Qur’an speaks about life after death - Science has not discovered that. Qur’an speaks about ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ - Science has not discovered about that. But you may ask me the question - Brother Zakir, you have given such a good lecture, speaking about scientific facts - And you believe in ‘Jinns’, you believe in ‘Angels’, you believe in ‘Soul’, you believe in life after death are not you illogical? I will say… ‘No , I am not illogical’- I have got a logic why I believe. I do not blindly believe in life after death, in the ‘Soul’, in ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’, in ‘Jinns’ and ‘Spirits’- I have a logical belief. I base my logical belief saying… ‘That suppose there are scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, out of which say approximately 80% have been proved to be 100% correct. 80% of the scientific facts mentioned in the Qur’an have been proved by Science till today to be 100% correct.The remaining 20 % is ambiguous - unknown. Not even 0.001% have been proved false. Even if one verse is proved false , the Qur’an is not the word of Allah (SWT). So of these 20 % I say goes in the ambiguous slot … unknown. So my logic says … ‘When 80% is 100% correct, the remaining 20% is ambiguous, out of which not even 0.001% has been proved wrong, all are unknown - my logic says when 80% is correct, even those 20% will be InshAllah correct. It is not a blind belief – it is a logical belief .
(Second Clapping)
(Dr. Mohammed) I would like to just make an observation - We have had throughout, most of the questioners who have been our Muslim brothers and sisters. What I would suggest is, that one questioner, the one who is at the mike here, the one at the mike here , and the next one who is at the mike there , after giving them an opportunity, we would rather give an opportunity to non Muslims to ask questions - And it would be a more interesting session. What I would like to assure them, though you see a huge crowd of thousands of people here, many of them Muslims - I assure you we have a very sensible crowd and our volunteers are very trained to be on your side… to protect you, to defend you. There is, no…you can rest assured, there is no such thing as someone will come up and say…‘how do you talk like this?’ I assure you on behalf of the organizers… here you are totally safe to ask any question, even if it contains that very ridiculous. What I have noticed is Muslim brothers and sisters have come up and asked questions, who some other non-Muslim or someone might have put them… or they might have read them in some scientific book some where, and they have put it forward - I hope this observation is appreciated and taken in the right vein. So we will allow the person who is already on the mikes I will give them opportunities. Those who are behind them, I would request them that you kindly appreciate our point of view as organizers, and co-operate. Though you all have been standing in the queue, if you can co-operate… allow the next question on those mikes to any brother or sister, who is a Non-Muslim - Give them a preference after them. It would be very kind of you - Thank you - The next question please.
(Q) My name is Mohammed Shahadat, I am a Chemical Engineer in Hindustan Petroleum. In Qur’an it is mentioned that…‘It is Allah who decides the characteristics and the personality of a person inside his or her mother’s womb’. In the field of genetics this field has advanced so much, that nowadays parents can tailor make their children - If they want to have a very bright student, they can have it by just having that genetic code change - Is’nt this contradictory with Qur’an?
(Dr. Zakir). The brother has posed a question that… ‘today genetics field has advanced and its possible that we can change the genetics of the child that is going to be born’. Qur’an says that… ‘Allah is One who shapes who forms’. And I do agree with that - Qur’an says in several places - So does it not mean it is not -contradicting the Qur’an? No brother, it is not - when it gives the statement … the Qur’an says… ‘Without the power of Allah, it is not possible - Without the power of Allah it is not possible at all’. For example… I will give an example… Qur’an says in Surah Rahman, Ch. 55, Verse No. 33, that…
‘With power and skill you will be able to penetrate the Heavens and the Earth , not without the permission of Allah (SWT)’.
Means… you will penetrate the Heavens and the Earth, but only with permission of Allah (SWT). So today because people are going in the Heaven… does not mean that the Qur’an is wrong. Qur’an says…
‘You can do , but with the permission of Allah (SWT)’.
Without permission of Allah (SWT)… it is predicting that people will go in outer space, in Moon, etc… but if Allah does not wanted, it can not happen .And you know the incidence of‘ Challenger’…‘The challenger’ tried to take off - What happened? It tried to challenge Allah (SWT)… What happened?… Nothing. Even today we say… ‘Family planing’. Do you know there is no family planning which is perfect? Even if you do Tubectomy or Visectomy… if Allah wants He can yet bring easy conception to that lady .Even if she practices permanent method like Tubectomy, or the husband does Visectomy, still there are chances… but negligible chances , that the baby can be born. If Allah wishes no one can stop… you do any family planning method. In genetics also, if they are able to change, it is with Allah’s permission - If Allah dose not want, you cannot change at all. So few people are successful - all are not successful. Those who are successful… are with the permission of Allah (SWT). Those who are not… Allah has not given them permission. Same way… ‘Family planning’ - Those who are successful, Allah gives permission -those who are not successful, Allah does not give permission. Hope that answer the question.
(Q) As Salaam Alaikum, Zakir bhai - I was a Hindu first and I converted into Islam recently .What I would like to ask you a question is this - that in Islam and in Hadith, it is written that… ‘the Kana Dajjal is going to come very frequently’. I mean very soon, but the main problem is that … that on this subject lot of…
(Dr. Mohammed) Excuse me - We will not… we will allow question on the topic. You put your question directly on the topic - see Zakir can answer on various topics. In fact I would like to mention that there are Video tapes of Dr. Zakir available outside, on various topics he has spoken on - But they take 2 to 3 hrs . to cover up one topic in a proper context and cover up well. Like there are topics he has spoken on - you can have Video tapes out on… Is The Qur’an God’s Word, Women’s Rights in Islam - Modernising or Outdated?, Press Debate, on Is Religious Fundamentalism a Stumbling Block to the freedom of Expression, Qur’an and Modern Science, Religion in the Right Perspective , Al-Qur’an should it be read with Understanding? Similarities between Islam and Christianity, Mohammed (peace be upon him) in Various World Scriptures, Islam Medical Science and Dietary Laws, Islam the Universal Religion, and many other topics he has spoken. But today is the time for… ‘Qur’an and Modern Science – Conflict and Conflict or Conciliation?’- only. We will not allow any topic outside that… this topic frame – because… that we require a 3 hours period to do justice to the topic - That is the reason, why I hope you appreciate that. You can put your question if it is related to the topic… Brother, you can put your question if it is related to the topic.
(Q: Contd…) I would like to ask answer another question regarding this Modern Sience.
(Dr. Mohammed) Yes, Welcome .
(Q: Contd…) A woman who has it, is always… a when a woman is carrying a baby in her womb, Islam forbids abortion. But if a woman is facing some kind of a medical problem… if she is Anemic, or if she has just delivered a baby recently… in recent months to come, and there is always a threat to her life - Non Muslims doctors say… ‘to abort it’, and the Muslim doctor say… ‘It is haram’. And someone who is little bit modern, said that… ‘If the child is for 40 days in the womb… before 40 days, you can abort - If after 40 days it is not possible, you cannot do it under Islamic law - Is that right or is that wrong? .
(Dr. Zakir). Brother has asked a question that… ‘Speaking today – Scientifically… the doctors who want to abort, etc.- why does Qur’an not give permission to abort, if it is danger to the life of the mother?. Qur’an speaks about abortion in Surah Anam, Ch. 6, Verse No. 151. as well as in Surah Isra, Ch. 17, Verse No. 31, it says…
‘Kill not your children for want of sustenance, for it is Allah that will provide sustenance to you and your children, for killing of infants is a major sin’.
So abortion is haram under normal circumstances - Example, pork is haram, alcohol is haram, having dead meat is haram. But same time the Qur’an says in four different places, in Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, Verse No. 173, in Surah Maidah, Ch. 5, Verse No. 3, in Surah Anam, Ch. 6, Verse No. 145, and Surah Nahl, Ch. 16, verse No. 115, it says…
‘that if unwillingly if you disobey Allah (SWT) Allah is Rehman O Rahim’.
If under compulsion, if you disobey Allah (SWT) …Allah is Rehman O Rahim. If you are dying of hunger… pork is the only dish that you can have, pork becomes halal for you - It is perfectly allowed - but do not have so much, and keep on having after you do not require it. If you are in a jungle if pork is the only thing that you can find to eat… or in a desert- pork becomes allowed for you only for that time. When you come back to the city it becomes haram - So same way abortion. Just because you do not want a child… is haram - In Islam it is a major sin. But if it is a danger to the life of the mother, it is totally allowed - because in Islam the life of the mother is more precious than the life of the child which has not come in being on its own. I do know there are certain people, who say… ‘after 40 days its not allowed - before 40 it is allowed’. Qur’an is very clear cut on that – ‘ If it is a danger to your life… unwillingly if you disobey Allah (SWT), it is totally allowed.’ So if the doctor says that if you have certain heart problems, and the labour pain will cause a strain on your heart… the mother will die - You have to abort. You have to go ahead with it, became in Islam you cannot sacrifice a greater loss, to save a small loss. The life of the mother who adult is more important than the child who cannot live on its own. In these cases if it is danger to the life of the mother, it is totally allowed in Islam - if it is not a danger, it is haram. Hope that answer to the question.
(Dr. Mohammed ) The next question from the ladies side.
(Q). Salamu Alaikum, brother Zakir. My question is, when Qur’an speaks so much about Science , then how come the Muslims are so backward in the field of Science? (Dr. Zakir). Sister has posed the question, that when Qur’an speaks so much about Science - how come the Muslims are backward. Sister I would mainly blame the media. The media today is in the hands of the Westerners, the Europeans - It is in their hand, They have the Satellite, they have the Television, they have the CNN, they have the BBC- It is in their hand. The media is in their hands - and whatever you read in your school books, and books which we read in college - you will read there that… ‘from 8th to the 12th century it was the Dark Ages’. Dark …for whom? It was dark for the Europeans - not for the world. The Arabs and the Muslims, were very much advanced… from 8th to the 12th century -they were very much advanced. The Europeans were backward because… they said…‘dark for the world.’ It was not dark for the world - It was dark for the Europeans. With the limited instruments and technology what we had from 8th to 12th century- what discoveries the Muslim Scientists made - it is unbelievable. Today, because Science is Advanced we are making so many discoveries. There with the amount of limited facilities we had, the amount of discoveries Muslim Scientists made - its unbelievable. For example I quoted in my talk, that Ibn-e-Nafees…he discovered the blood circulation, But in the medical books and the books we read in school… who discovered blood circulation? William Harvey. Every one knows William Harvey-Noone know about Ibn-e-Nafees. Ibn-e-Nafees spoke about ‘blood circulation’, 400 years before - the Europeans later on picked up the books of the Muslims and re-hatched it… and said we discovered it. See… if you see the discoveries that Muslims have made. For example if you know Al-Idrusi - In 1154, he drew the first map of Mediterranean- the geography of the world - first. Mathematics - Muslims were far advanced in Mathematics. We introduced the Decimal point. Do you know, what we call the digits 1, 2, 3? The other ones are called as Roman numerical – it is called as Arabic numerals. Why it is called Arabic numerals?… Because the Arabs were the one who discovered it. The decimal point are the Arabic numerals. The person who first proved the Pythogoras theoram - he was Arab Thusy. We know about the Pythogoras theoram, but we don’t know about Arab Thusy. He said that… ‘The square of the hypotenuse was equal to the sum of the opposite two sides of the triangle’. Alberuni - he was an authority in Trigonometry. All these people they were experts. If you know of Al-Khindi… Al-Khindi, he was a Philosopher, a Mathematician and Astronomer. When great scientists like Galileo , Newton , etc., they said that all physical laws were absolute - he said that all physical laws, are relative. And today we know that, ‘Theory of Relativity’ is proved by Albert Einstein. No one knows about Al-Khindi - He was the person , who basically gave the idea of ‘theory of relativity’. Later on he did more research and talked about ‘Theory of Relativity’. Who knows about the three brothers Mohammed , Shakir and Hassan? Who knows about them?… They toured the surface area of the earth from a angle at the Red Sea … when people thought the world was flat. Chemistry - the Muslims were far advanced in Chemistry. Ibn-e-Hayan, Jabir Ibn-e-Hayyan… they have latinized the word ‘Ghebar’- So when we read in our tent books Ghebar’, we think it is an European. It is a Muslim. Jabir-Ibn - E-Hayan… you know ‘Ghebar’ - you do not know… we do not know who is Jabir. He is the person who distilled Alcohol. ‘Alcohol’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Algul’- meaning ‘Ghost’, ‘Evil Spirit’. ‘Alcohol’ is an Arabic Word. He wrote 2 thousand different pages only on Chemistry. Mohammed Zakariya Razi - he was famous in Medicine - He was authority on the field of Small Pox and Measles. He was the first person who used Mercury ointment. He wrote books on children’s disease. There are several Muslim Scientists. Ali-Ibn-E-Abbas he wrote twenty volumes on Medicine. Ali-Ibn-E-Sina known as ‘Albesina’ …‘Albesina’, it doesn’t not sound Muslim. Ali-Ibn-E-Sina … yes Muslim - ‘Albesina’… not Muslim. Who got the title of ‘Aristole of the East?’ He wrote the book ‘Kanoon’, which was referred as a text book of medicine till as late as seventeenth century. Who knows Ibn-e-Zuhoor ? He was the person after Alexander who did research on Paracytology. He described the ‘Itch Mite’… the Parecaditis. He described the Otydismedia, Intrycosetomy. Several medical doctors Al-Zaharwi… Al-Zaharwi was the famous dentist, as well as surgeon as well as Optitician. He invented several instruments of Surgery, Gynecology as well as Dentistry. We all of us know the other thing but the media is in the hands of the Westerners. The Muslims were far advanced. But I do agree with you- today… today the Muslims are getting backward in Science- You know why? The Europeans are being advanced - You know why? The Muslims are recoming backward, because they are going away from the Holy Qur’an - they are going away from their Religion. And do you know why the Europeans are getting advanced? They too are going away from their Religion. The Europeans are also getting advanced, because even they are going away from their religion. The Muslims they are going backward because they are going away from their religion. I would request the Muslims brothers and sisters out here, as well as Non-Muslims -there are people reading the Qur’an… Why don’t we read the Qur’an with understanding? Why don’t we ponder over the verses? We have only kept the Qur’an for kissing, and keeping on top. That is all… the Qur’an was not meant for it to be kissed, and kept on top - It should be implemented in your daily life. If you implement the Qur’an in your daily life, read it with understanding , Inshallah again we will be on top of the world. Hope that answers the question.
(Dr. Mohammed) Now you would… I would request our volunteers to give an opportunity to any Non-Muslim brothers and guests we have here at our mikes, to give them a preference and opportunity, and then our other brothers. Can we have your name and designation and your question, after that… the brother on my right.
(Q) I am K.Mahesh…lecturer from Saboo Siddique Polytechnic, in the computer department. I would like to ask regarding the Muslim marriage system - Why Islam allows more than one woman to be married with a man , I mean apart from that, why it allows multiple marriages after talaq, and does it harm… I mean in terms of medical like AIDS and that type of things. And why that much of, why Islam suppresses the women that much and do not give the equal status to the women? As a recent example of Afghanistan , which had happened, that a woman had been beaten as she was out and doing some work and she was not in a purdah.
( Dr Mohammed ) Brother , what I would request you ask questions on the topic -Zakir has covered another topic of this question – ‘Women’s Rights in Islam - Modernizing Or Outdated’ ? Video tape we have available – ‘Women’s Rights’- It covers up… it is a three hour lecture. You just put one - there are hundreds of questions on this topic - In brief… brief, he has covered up many of these questions - What we request, ask questions on the topic.
(Q). Why it allows more than one marriages - like two three women one man ?…I mean marry more than one woman?
(Dr. Mohammed) Excuse me, can I have your name?
(Question Contd….) Mahesh…I am K.Mahesh. What I would like to clarify is that today the talk is on… ‘Qur’an And Modern Science’-You may ask any question on this topic not any question outside this topic.
(Dr. Zakir) I would request that if the chairperson gives me opportunity, since it is Non-Muslim asking a question…if the chairperson gives a opportunity, we will make only this as the first exception.
(Dr. Mohammed) Okay we will allow this, but let us not make it a habit for the other questioners.
(Dr.Zakir) Since the person is not ready to leave the mike… he may think that we may not know the answer. Brother we have this rule…so that all the questions on the topic are covered as Dr. Mohammed Naik said…these questions what I have been posed earlier, which was rejected - since he was a Muslim, we did not allow… since you are a non-Muslim and you are so enthusiastic… but I think the chairperson will not give a second chance to another Non-Muslim , who breaks the rules .
(Dr. Mohammed). We will allow him . Usually when Zakir goes abroad also we have the session called… ‘Open question and answer session’,
(Dr. Zakir). The brother has posed a question that why does Islam allow a man to marry more than one wife? For all remaining questions and answers are in this cassette… even this…But since you ask here, I am just giving you the reply , that the Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth , which says… ‘Marry only one’. There is no other Religious book on the face of the earth. Whether you read the Ramanayana , the Mahabharata , the Bhagwatgita, the Bible… no religious book says… ‘Marry only one’ - except the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, Verse No. 3, it says..
‘Marry women of your choice in twos , threes and fours , but if you cannot do justice, marry only one’.
If you cannot do justice, marry only one. Otherwise if you can do justice, Qur’an has put an upper limit… two, three or four, Maximum four… not more than that. Previous religions- they gave permission, for a man to marry as many wives - Qur’an put upper limit… restriction of maximum four. You know why ?, because if you think logically… if you analyse. But it says at the same time, in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, Verse 129… ‘It is difficult to do justice between your wives – It is difficult, therefore do not turn away from them all together’. Marrying more than one wife, you do not get more ‘sawab’ -You do not get more blessings. There is no Hadith saying , that if you marry more than one wife you will get more sawab’. There is a Hadith which says that if you marry , you complete half you deen. So, somebody ask me at the question answer time… ‘Does it mean that if I marry twice, I compete my full deen. No marriage takes you away from promicenitry, from fornication. Therefore it is Farz… but whether you marry one or two , yet you are only completing half your deen. The reason why Islam gives permission for Polygeny - that is the right word - It is because if you analyse men and women are born in equal proportion - But in the pediatric stage itself , since the female is a stronger sex medically… if you ask any pediatrician , he will tell you… the female can fight the germs and disease much better them the male. So more female children live, than the male children. There are more deaths in the male children than female children. When you grow up there are accidents, death due to cigarette smoking, death due to war more male die than female. War in Afghanistan .. do you know , more them a million people died. Mainly they were gents - Whatever it is… whatever you said… more men die than females. If you analyse the statistic, India is one of the few countries in which there is more male than female. You know why? Because of female infanticide. Every day 3 thousand fetus are being aborted, when they identified that they are female. More than one million are aborted every year in India , on being identified , they are female. That is the reason… otherwise if you see the statistics of America , there are more than 7.8 million females than males, in America alone. In New York alone, there is 1 million females more than male. And out of the population of New York , 1/3rd are Gay… Sodomites… Kaum-e-Luth. There are more than 25 million gays in America . That means there are more than 30 millions females who cannot find husbands in America alone. In U.K alone, there are 4 million females more than male. In Germany alone, 5 million females more than males. In Russia alone, 7 million females more than males - and Allah (SWT) alone knows there are how many million females more than males in this world. I am asking you a question, that suppose my sister or your sister happens to be in America , and suppose everyone agrees with your philosophy, that every man should marry one wife. And if every man in America marries a woman , still there will be 7.8 million females- and plus, since the gays also do not get married , there will be more than 25 to 30 million females , who cannot find husbands - If my sister happens to be one of those unfortunate lady who has not been married, and the market is saturated… the only option remaining for my sister, is to marry a man who already has a wife, or become public property.
(Dr. Mohammed ) The next question from the brother on the left.
(Q). Salam Alaikum! My name is Adyar Anwar… Allah (swt) created everything… Some verses … ‘We created ’…‘We prepared ’… like this - Why plural is coming.?
(Dr.Zakir). Brother has posed the question that, why has the word ‘We’ used in the Qur’an, for Allah (SWT) - Is it more than one? Brother ‘We’, in Arabic… they are 2 types - One is ‘We’ for plural, one is ‘Royal Plural’. ‘Royal Plural’ like, for example… if you know Rajiv Gandhi, how he used to speaks… he used to say… ‘Hum dekhna chahate hain’ . ‘Hum’… That ‘Hum’… was not plural, it was Singular- It is a ‘Royal Plural’… it is called. So same way Allah (SWT)… some places uses ‘I’, some places uses ‘We’. The ‘We’… in Arabic does not indicate plurality -It means Royal Plural, Active to Singular. So ‘We’- When it says… ‘We’ have created you - it means singular Allah (SWT). Qur’an clearly states in Surah Ikhlas, Ch. 112, Verse No. 1…(Arabic…). ‘Say: He is Allah one and only.’- Allah is only one… not more than one. Hope that answers the question.
(Q). As-Salaamu Alaikum, brothers and sisters - I would like to know whether organ transplant and organ donation, are permitted in Islam?
(Dr.Zakir). The sister has posed the question that- is organ transplantation or donation allowed in Islam or not. There is no verse in the Holy Qur’an directly saying that whether you should give or should not give - It is silent on that issue. There were various conferences taken place by various Ulemas throughout the world, including Malaysia , in Jeddah, in Riyadh , even here - on this issue, whether organ transplantation in allowed or not. By the conference of Ulemas of the world… today they say that organ transplantation is allowed, if you satisfied 3 conditions. First is , the organ that you are going to give to the person… the person if he receives the organ, his life will be saved. Only if his life is in danger, and then if he wants the organ, then its allowed. Point number 2, the person donating the organ, he should not do it for economical reasons… not for money , not for getting one lakh rupees, or 2 lakh rupees. Third is, after the person donates the organ, it should not cause loss of his life. Today, science tells that there are certain organs in the body, for example the Kidney. One Kidney is sufficient for a human being to survive and lead a normal life - the second is an additional. So if suppose my mother… if she has both the Kidneys failure and if I donate one Kidney… surely Allah will not hold me responsible - But natural if it does not cause a loss to my life. I cannot say… ‘I want to donate my heart’. If my heart is taken out, I will die, so I cannot donate my heart. I can only donate those organs which will not cause loss… loss to my life, and I should not do it for economical reasons, point number 2 and 3rd it should save the life. This is the consensus of Ulemas of the conference which took place in Malaysia , in Riyadh , in Jeddah, in India . In India , the Ulemas were reluctant but now if you ask the Fiqh Academy of India, even they say it should not be done - but if it is used to saving the life as a last resort, you can give your organ as a donation. Hope that answers the question.
(Clapping) .
(Dr Mohammed ) The brother on my right.
(Q). Good evening every body, I am a student of Saboo Siddique - My name is Harsh Waghela. I want to ask the question, that after the death of human being, dead body should be burnt out, or should be buried ?
(Dr.Zakir). The brother has posed a question that after human being dies - Should his body be burnt or should it be buried ? Let us analyze it scientifically, which is more appropriate. Brother as I told in my talk, during the question answer time I believe, that the elements, the constituent, of human beings is present in lesser or greater quantity in the soil, in the earth. So we are created from earth we should go back to the earth - it is logical. Its more easier for us to go back into the earth point number one. Point number two is, that if you burn a body there is pollution, there is environmental hazard… environmental hazard is there - when you bury a body there is no environmental hazard. In fact, the place where you bury… point number three, the ground and the surrounding ground becomes more fertile. Point number four , it is very cheap to bury. We do not require any money - Earth is freely available there are graveyards. But to cremate… to burn , you require tons and tons of wood. Therefore, every year if you see statistics, our government goes in loss of millions of rupees, because they are burning wood loss to environment, environmental problem, hazard, and plus waste of money. If you calculate the amount of people that are dying - amount of people we are burning it is a loss of money, hazard to the environment , it is much more logical and scientific to bury the body than to burn. Hope that answers the question.
(Dr.Mohammed) I would after the next 2 questions are over… I will allow some questions on slip- I am told that some ladies have written questions on slips - They would not like to ask on the Mike. Or there are some other people also… we will allow some questions. The questions which have come on slips, can be passed on to me after the question… and unless… if there is some brother who is a Non-Muslim… I have told them they have not had enough opportunity, so that we will make an exception to it, so they can ask on the mike- Otherwise I read questions from the slip, after the next two questions are over.
(Q) As-salaam Alaikum - My name is Khalid, and I am a student. It is mentioned in Qur’an that… ‘Sun and other planets revolve and rotate in a fixed orbit’. And at other place relating to the ‘Doomsday’… it is mentioned that… ‘Earth will collide with sun in some what a spiral form.’ When ‘Revolution’ and ‘Rotation’- can then the phenomena of collision takes place-How is it possible?.
(Dr.Zakir). The brother has posed a question that it says that… ‘The Sun and the Earth rotates’… and in some place it says… ‘Sun and the Earth will collide’. Some places it says that … brother as I have told you, there are certain statements in the Qur’an talking about the signs of the Day of Judgment. And I myself quoted in Surah Qiyamah, Ch. 75, Verse No. 8 and 9, that… ‘the Sun and the Moon will joined together’. When? - On the Day of Judgment… not today. It is giving you signs of the Day of Judgment. It is not telling you that - today it will happen. The name of the Surah was Surah Qiyamah, ‘Day of resurrection’… and give various signs , that the moon will be buried in darkness , the stars will fall down , the oceans will swell up, etc… These are signs of the Day of Judgement. Has it happened? - No… But before the world ends it will surely happen. Hope that answers the question - No where does the Qur’an says… ‘in normal circumstances it will happen’.
(Dr.Mohammed) Excuse me…To be fair to the people who are already at the mike, next three, four, we will allow the system, what I am asking the volunteers told me allow some people. What I am… would… saying that one question, I will ask now on the slip, when on the mike, one on the slip, then on the mike. Think that would be more preferable to some people- they said they are feeling bad, that they stood for some time. So I think the next two to three people can be allowed to stand. The rest beyond that …these volunteers can just , ask them to please be seated… I then… that would be more preferable - Thank you.
(Q). (Dr.Mohammed) The question on the slip is…is… it is mentioned in one verse of the Qur’an that… ‘Allah is a Lord of the two Easts and two Wests’. How can you explain this verse of the Qur’an scientifically ?
(Dr.Zakir). The question posed was that the Holy Qur’an mentions that…‘Allah is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests.’- How can you explain scientifically? What the person is referring to the verse in the Holy Qur’an from Surah Rahman, Ch. 55, Verse No. 17, which says …(Arabic), that… ‘Allah is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests’. The Arabic word used here is… in Arabic, we have two types of ‘Plural’. One is dual plural …and one is plural, more than two. Here ‘Rabbul Mushrakaine’ is dual plural. That Allah is the Lord of two Easts and Lord of two Wests. Let us see what Science has to say about that… and we know that the Sun rises from the East- it sets in the West. But Science tells us today, that…‘ the Sun rises from the due East only on two days… exactly East. In the other times if you have noticed, this rising… the point of rising of the Sun keeps on varying. It rises exactly due East, only on two days - the two days of Equinox. All the other days it either rises, South or North, of East. Similarly it rises from one extreme of the East in the Summer solstice, and rises from the other extreme of the East in Winter solstice. Similarly the Sun sets in due West , only on two days- On two days of Equinox. All the other days it either sets South or North of due West. It sets in one extreme of West in the Summer solstice , and sets in the other extreme of west in the Winter solstice. So when the Qur’an says that Allah (SWT) is the Lord of two Easts and two Wests, it is referring to the two extreme points of East and two extreme points of west. But there is another Verse in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Maarij, Ch. No. 70, Verse No. 40, which says that…‘ Allah is the Lord of East and West’. It is not dual plural - it is plural more than two . The Allah is the Lord of Easts and the Lord of Wests. Therefore Allah is the Lord of all the various points in East. So in short, Allah is the Lord of two extreme points of East, two extreme points of the West and all the points in between - in the West and all the points in between in the East.
( Dr. Mohammed ) Next question from the ladies side please.
(Q). Salam Alaikum, brother Zakir - My name is Malika Mohammed Islam. My question is that, what does the Qur’an mean when it says that Allah send down Iron from the Heaven?
(Dr.Zakir). The sister has asked the question - what does the Qur’an means when it says, that Allah has sent down Iron from the Heaven. The Verse that sister is referring to the Holy Qur’an is in Surah Hadith, Ch. 57, which means ‘Iron’, Verse 25, which says that… ‘Allah has sent down Iron , in which there is material for war and various benefits for the human being’. The Arabic word used for ‘send down’…. is ‘Anzala.’ - It means…‘to send down’. Now ‘Anzala’ can be looked at in two different ways. One way is… ‘Allah has sent down’ -‘Allah has revealed’… So Allah has revealed that in ‘Iron’ there is a lot of use and material for mighty war , as well as benefits for human kind. Allah has revealed this - that in ‘Iron’ there is material for war and various benefits And we know today that iron is one of the most important metals we know of - from it we get ‘Steel’. And Steel and Iron is used for making instruments of war, like weapons swords, spears, guns, etc. It’s even used for making instruments of peace , like brick layer, instruments of an engineer, instruments of an architect, knife, fork, spoon, etc. So if you read the first meaning, it says that… ‘Allah has revealed that in Iron there is various benefits and material for mighty war’. The other way, if you take it literally, that… ‘Iron has been sent down… been send down from Heaven’. This verse was shown to Professor Armstrong… that what you do have to comment on Surah Hadith, Ch. 57, Verse No. 25, which says that… ‘Iron has been sent down from Heaven’. So he tells us that it is recently that the Scientists have come to know about the formation process, of various elements. And they say that the energy required to make one Atom of Iron, it is so enormous that the energy of the whole Solar System is not sufficient. And a calculation was made that energy four times that of the Solar System is made to produce one atom of Iron. Means, the energy of the Moon, the Stars, the Sun all this energy… if we take of the planets, etc . only the planet of the Solar System and the Sun and the Moon, it will not be sufficient to produced one Atom of Iron. Scientists today tell us that iron is an extra terrestrial metal, which is confirming the Qur’anic Ayat… if you take it literally, that Iron has been send down from the Heaven.
(Dr Mohammed ) The next question from the slip.
(Q). There was a philosopher in six century B.C. who said that… ‘The Earth rotates about its own axis, and the planets move around the Sun’. The Qur’an also gives the indication of a similar scientific fact. Some people alleged that the Prophet copied these points from the philosopher - Please comment ?
(Dr.Zakir). The question posed was, that there was a philosopher in six century B.C. who said…‘the planets and the Earth rotates around the Sun’ - May be the Prophet copied from this philosopher… Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). I do agree that in the six century B.C… the Pythogorians - these people they defended the theory that…‘ the Earth and the planets they rotate and they revolved around the Sun’. But to say that… ‘Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) copied from them’- is illogical , because these people failed to realize, that these same Pythogorians , that they also defended the theory… ‘that the Sun was the centre of the Universe’. The Sun was fixed - it did not rotate, neither did it revolve - so to say that Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) copied those two points… ‘Earth and planets rotate and they revolved’- and did not copy the point which says that… ‘the Sun was centre of the Universe the Sun was fixed, it did not rotate, it did not revolve’ is illogical. I do know that there are various Philosophers, whose works of antiquity, gives us ideas… and they say several things. But if you analyze the works of Philosophers, of antiquity - their works is mixed with valid and invalid reasons… Invalid and valid ideas. People normally quote the valid ideas - they forget that they even left behind invalid ideas. They were great thinkers - the difference between these Philosophers who predicted, the Qur’an is… these philosophers only thought and predicted…and they made even false statements. The Qur’an Alhamdulliah - more than 1000 verses speak about science…and not a single is wrong. The difference is Qur’an gives a challenge. To say that Prophet Mohammed (SWS) copied from these people… and did not copy the negative point - may be one or two, it is possible, it was fluke - but to say, that all the thousands of verses the Qur’an speaks about Science were copied is illogical. Because Qur’an gives a challenge (Arabic….) in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, Verse No. 82
‘Do you not consider the Qur’an with care - had it been from anyone besides Allah, there would have been many contradictions’.
(Dr.Mohammed ) The next question from the brother on the right.
(Q). Salaam Alaikum, My name is Faisal - How scientifically or logically can you explain that Allah (SWT) being Omniscient… that is knowing the past, present, future and every thing - send Scriptures before the Qur’an - Why did not He send the Qur’an itself?
(Dr.Zakir). Brother has asked the question - that why did Allah (swt), did’nt send Qur’an earlier. Why did He send the other revelations first… and then the Qur’an ? It is like you asking me, that… ‘Why didn’t you first teach me medicine? Why I had to go to standard one, standard two, standard three, and then do my medicine?’ - You have to go in stage wise. All the previous revelations that came before the Qur’an, as I mentioned earlier were send only for those people and for a particular time period. The Holy Qur’an is send to the whole of human kind, and its message is meant till Eternity. Therefore, the previous revelation that won’t be preserved. Allah thought it right - He has Divine knowledge - He knows when to send the final Revelation - Not that he could not sent it earlier. Like the teacher knows how much to teach to a student - Should not go beyond the level. So Allah thought it fit, that humankind may be had reached that level, were I can reveal the final Revelation. Allah knew that may be previously, the time was not right - therefore all the previous revelations - none of them have been preserved except the Holy Qur’an. Because Qur’an is the last and the final Revelation and it proved itself to be ‘Word of God’. It proved itself 1400 hundred years ago- will prove today- and will be able to prove till Eternity, Inshallah.
(Dr.Mohammed) The next question from the slip.
(Q). The Qur’an says that Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet - this gives an indication that earth is flat… which is contradictory with modern Science.
(Dr.Zakir). The question posed was - and people are astonished out here… that the Qur’an says the earth was like a carpet… spread out like a carpet - So does it mean, it was flat? What the person is referring- from the Ayat from the Holy Qur’an, in Surah Nur, Ch. 71,verse no. 19 and 20, which does say…
‘that we have spread out the Earth like a carpet’.
But it gives the answer in the next verse, in verse number 20, ‘So that you may walk and travel in the spacious path’. As I mentioned in my talk - the Geologists, they tell us today, the earth which we live- on the surface is hardly one to 10 miles , and less than 1% of the total radius of the earth which is 3750 miles . The top layer is a solid shell. The deeper layers are hot and fluid, and inhospitable for existence of life. No where does the Qur’an say, that the earth is flat. It gives a similitude that… ‘We have spread out the Earth like a carpet’. People normally have a misconception that… ‘A carpet can only be spread on a flat surface’. It is wrong - A carpet, can also be spread on a spherical surface. For example imagine that there is big model of the earth, the globe, say about 10 feet in radius - Very big - Very well you can spread a carpet around it - It is possible. But Qur’an is scientifically also speaking, that besides spreading out - today Science tells us that the earth’s crust - because when we layout a carpet, we normally spread out a carpet, on the surface which is not comfortable to walk on - Carpet is normally spread out on a surface which is not comfortable to walk on. So Science today tells us that if the outer crust was not spread out like a carpet around this spherical earth, we would not be able to live - Because the deeper layers are hot and fluid. So when Qur’an says we have spread out the earth, its referring to the earth’s crust has been spread out like a carpet. And the reason is given… ‘So that you may walk in the spacious path of the Lord’- Qur’an says in other places also that… ‘We have made the Earth, as spacious’. Qur’an says… in Surah Nabah Ch. 78, Verse No. 6, ‘We have made the Earth as an expanse’. It is referring that… ‘The earth, We have made as wide’- You know why? The answer is given in Surah Ankabut, Ch. 29, Verse, 56 which says…
‘ We have made the Earth as a wide expanse for you so that you will worship Me and Me alone’.
So tomorrow you cannot say that, the situation where I lived in, may be Bombay , it was difficult circumstances, therefore I was prevented to do good deeds - So I did evil deeds. Allah says… ‘The earth is a wide expanse for you - it is spacious’. You cannot give the excuse for doing evil deeds , because of your circumstances. Therefore worship Allah, and Allah alone. There is no place in the Holy Qur’an which says…‘The world is flat’. In fact, I told you in my speech the Qur’an says in Surah Luqman, Ch. 31, Verse 29, and Surah Al-Zumoor, Ch. 39, Verse No. 5, that… ‘The world is spherical’ and specifically in Surah Naziyath, Ch. 79, Verse No. 30…(Arabic…) ‘We have made the Earth thereafter Egg shape…like an Ostrich Egg, which is exactly Geo spherical.
Hope that answers the question.
(Dr.Mohammed) Next brother on my left.
(Q). Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahamtullahi Wabarakatuhu - My name is Abdul Subhan - I am an accountant. It is mentioned in Qur’an that Allah Tawarkatalla says… ‘No one can say what is in the stomach of the mother… male or female’. But on the other hand science says ,or it is proving that male or female - So kindly give your bright light on this question.
(Dr.Zakir) The brother has posed the question, that the Qur’an says that… ‘No one besides Allah (SWT) can mention, what is the sex of the child in the mother’s womb. And today Science is advanced - you can come to know by Ultra – Sonography, etc., the sex of the child. What the brother is referring to, a verse in the Holy Qur’an form Surah Luqman, Ch. 31, Verse No. 34, which says… ‘Only Allah has the knowledge of the hour’ - of when it is going to rain, what is in the womb of the mother, where will a person die, and what will he earn. The Qur’an says… ‘Only Allah knows what is in the womb of the mother’- It does not say…‘ What is the sex of the child in the mother’s womb’. I do know - there are various translations, especially the Urdu translations - they mention the word ‘Sex’ - The word ‘Sex’ is not there in the Holy Qur’an. The Arabic verse of Surah Lukman Ch. 31, Verse 34, does not say, ‘Sex’. It says no one besides Allah knows what is in the womb. It is only referring to the nature of the child. Whether the child that will be born - will he be good, or will he be bad? Will he be boon for society… Will he be bane for society?… What will he become a doctor or a Engineer? …. Will he go to Heaven or Hell. And no Scientist with the best technology can decipher that. No where does the Qur’an say that… ‘Only Allah knows the sex’. It is saying, only Allah knows what will be the nature of the child, and what will he do - and no scientist whatever with equipment they have can predict this.
(Clapping ).
( Dr. Mohammed ) The next question from the slip.
(Q). What does the Qur’an speak about the possibility of life on other Planets, or Moon- as the Scientists are claiming possibility of water on the surface of Moon. I think we have covered this in the earlier part of the Question - Answer session.
(Q). The next question I would put forward - this is come on the slip. We have talked about Astronomy - What is the reference towards Astrology, and effect of the position of Stars and Planets on human life. The Hindu mythology and belief, lays a lot a stress of ‘Janampatri’ and Palmistry - Your comments please.
(Dr.Zakir). Question posed is , the Qur’an speaks about Astronomy - What does the Qur’an speak about Astrology - Like looking at the stars and ‘Janampatri ’, fortune telling, etc. The Qur’an says in several places including Surah Maidah ,Ch. 5, Verse No. 90, it says… (Arabic )…
O you who believe, (Arabic )…Most certainly intoxicants and gambling, (Arabic)… dedication of stones , divination of arrows,
(Arabic )… these are Satan’s handy work - Abstain from such handy works, that you may prosper.
(Arabic )… these are Satan’s handy work - Abstain from such handy works, that you may prosper.
The Qur’an says that…
‘Do not indulge in fortune telling’. It does not say whether fortune telling can be right or wrong - It says…‘ Do not indulge in it’.
And we know there are may people who can look at the palm and predict your future… by looking at the Stars, and we know most of it is fake - You know most of it is fake. You go to a computer… put you date of birth, and you get the answer. There was a research done by a professor, to just show to the people, what did he mean. He taught a class room of hundred students for 7 days. At the end of the seven days he said… ‘I have come to know the nature of all the students. I will write each one’s nature on a piece of chit and give it to him , and when I say open the chit, open it simultaneously and give your views’. So he wrote a chit of paper, and gave to every student what his nature is - and what has he done in the past, what has he done so far. So all the students, they opened the chit - and do you know that more then 90% said that ‘the teacher was 100% correct’. The remaining 10% said he was 90% correct. The experiment was – the teacher wrote the same thing for all the 100 students. You know there are certain things - if I will tell you…‘In the next six months, something good is going to happen to you’. Even if 100 bad things happen - one good thing is going to happen – So it is no prediction. It is just making a fluery of the people. Most of these people who say that…‘We can predict’. You know what they say… ‘See… See, all the other people… all the other people who predict future are false - but the one which I go to - he is 100% correct’. Everyone says that, and they take them for a ride - Just to make money. Qur’an does not say whether it is right or wrong - Qur’an says…‘Do not indulge in fortune telling’. It does not say…‘No one can tell about this or that’ - It says.. ‘Do not indulge, it will cause you more harm’. Hope that answers the question.
( Dr.Mohammed ) We will allow another four more… four to five questions, after which we would wind up the programme.
(Q). The next question from the slip is - Advocate Abbas Hetavkar - He asks…‘ The world is threatened with the menace of AIDS . It is not known how to deal with it - Does Qur’an throw any light on its causes and prevention?
(Dr.Zakir). The question posed was that we are threatened with AIDS – ‘Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome’ - Does Qur’an throw any light on that? If you happen to know, that the first International Aids Conference - it took place in our city of Bombay in 1994 - in Hotel Oberoi Tower. First International Conference on AIDS… and Dr. Michael Mercen - he was the person who headed it. He was from WHO… World Health Organisation. At that time he said… ‘There were about eleven million cases of AIDS detected - out of which 1.6 is present in India, and at the end of the century, there will be 40 million cases of AIDS in the world… out of which 11 million will be in India’. More than 25% will be in India and he said that… ‘Within 5 years time, the next 5 years, there is doubtful of any cure’. No one will know how to cure this - Best is – Prevention… Prevention is better than cure’ - and the reason for this AIDS he gave as - one is homosexuality, other is hetrosexuality, unsafe sex, that is Adultery, 3rd is using needles for drugs, blood transfusion, etc., and fourth is associated with Alcoholism. If you analyse Qur’an throws lights on most of these topics. Qur’an says in Surah Araf, Ch. No. 7, Verse No. 80 and 81 that… ‘We sent Luth (Ale- Salaam) Prophet Luth (peace be upon him) to the people, and he said to them…‘Do you practice lewdness which no one has done before. You prefer in lust men, over women. You have indeed gone far beyond the limits’. Luth (Ale-Salaam) says that these people used to practice homosexuality. And you know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah - and how Allah (SWT) sends brim stones on them. Homosexuality is prohibited in the Holy Qur’an. But now we find in the modern world, they have legalized Gay marriages - Do you know that? When I was in Canada , it came in front page –‘Man and man kissing each other’… husband-wife. Legalized Gay - Homosexuality, legalized. The Gays - they take out a procession for their rights – ‘Gay rights…’ Headquarter at SanFrancisco, etc. One of the reasons of Homosexuality - then comes adultery. The Qur’an says in Surah Isra, Ch. No. 17, Verse No. 32. It says that… ‘Come not close to adultery… it is an evil, opening other routes to evil - Come not close to adultery’. And do you know - in America a man has eight different sexual partner on a average, before he settles down with one permanent life partner. On a average eight - some may have twenty, some may have thirty , some may have one, some may have two, on a average eight sexual partners, before they settle down with a permanent wife. Do you know this?… It has been legalized there - Qur’an is against adultery - totally against adultery. And one of the cause of AIDS it is – prostitution - Do you know what we medical doctors call them? ‘CSW’- You know what is ‘CSW ’? ‘Commercial Sex Worker’ - We give refined words for these. And according to Dr. Gilada, in that conference he said…‘ 50% of the commercial sex workers of Bombay had, AIDS - By end of the century 90% will have AIDS.’ There is no place for prostitution in Islam. And most of the people going to prostitutes the report said… ‘Were between 15 to 24 years - young people’. Our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAS)(peace upon him) he said, it is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, Volume No. 7, Ch. 3, Hadith number 4. He said… ‘O ye young people who ever has the means to get married, get married for it will help, to lower your gaze’. Marrying early, is preferable in Islam. It will prevent adultery, it will prevent promiscuity, it will prevent Homosexuality. Therefore our Prophet said… ‘Marriage completes half your deen’. Coming to the last reason he gave… ‘Associated to Tuberculosis, as well as Alcoholism’ Major people that go to the prostitute 95% they have Alcohol … Alcoholics. Qur’an says, as I mentioned earlier in Surah Maidah, Ch. 5, Verse No. 90. It says…(Arabic)…
‘O you who believe, most certainly intoxicants and gambling, (Arabic)… dedication of stones , divination of arrows, (Arabic)… these are Satan’s handy work. (Arabic….) Abstain from such handy work, that you may prosper’.
Today the medical doctors they say… ‘Do not call them drunkards - Alcoholism is a disease - Treat them like patients’. You know that’s the terminology we use in the new books of medicine. Alcoholism is a disease. How you treat the patient of Tuberculosis, of Cancer - Do not blame the Alcoholics - Treat them as patients , it is a disease. I tell them, that if Alcohol is a disease , it is the only disease sold in bottles. It is the only disease advertised in the Newspapers, in the Magazines, in the Radios, as well as the Television. Our government has a law, that you cannot advertise anything like…Alcohol. So, You know what they do? - Bagpiper Soda… who drinks Bagpiper Soda. It is there - People know it is Bagpiper whisky – It Is not Bagpiper Soda. I saw an Ad. - London Pilsner or some other Alcohol company - Glass… Glass… Ad. for Glass. Any logical person will know it is an Ad. for that Alcohol. So they are taking our government for a ride - these ads are allowed even on the television you see. If alcohol is a disease, it is the only disease which gets revenue for the government . It is the only disease which has got licensed out-lets. It is the only disease which has got no Viral or germ cause. It is the disease which cause violent deaths on the highways. It is the disease which destroys the family. The Qur’an says… ‘ It is not a disease’. It says… (Arabic)…
‘These are Satan’s handy work… (Arabic)… Abstain from this handy work , that you may prosper’.
( Dr.Mohammed ) The next question please .
(Q). As-Salam Alaikum, brother Zakir Naik - Educated people does not believe the ‘Qayamat’, the last day which is Judged by Allah. Obedient of Allah goes to Heaven, disobedient… that is… sinners goes to hell .
(Dr.Zakir). The brother has posed a question, that educated people do not believe in ‘Qayamah’…the day of resurrection and life after death, etc., that the world is going to end, etc.- So how will you prove to them logically or scientifically about ‘Qayamah’, about life after death, etc. Brother one way as I said earlier, that if 80% of the Qur’an has been proved to be 100% correct , and the remaining 20% is ambiguous… my logic says, that even this 20% will be correct. That is the answer that I gave earlier. There is another way you can prove to these educated people , by asking them a simple question. You ask him the question…‘Is robbing good or bad?… Robbing, is it good or bad?’ The brother is saying… ‘It is bad’. Is raping good or bad? ‘Bad’ - the brother is saying ‘Bad’. What I ask the question to these educated people, who do not believe in Qiyamah, who do not believe in life after death. I tell them… ‘Can you give me one logical reason why robbing is bad?’ Only one - Can you give me one logical reason why it is bad ?
(Questioner Answers…) ‘Because people like to live in simple way - that is what they would like to do bad things.
(Dr. Zakir). People will do bad things?…
(Questioner Answers…) People like to live in simple way - that is why they would like to do the bad things.
(Dr. Zakir). I did not get the answer - Whatever it is - if you ask a person…‘Why not to rob?’- they give various reasons… that if you rob it hurts the feeling of the other person. See I am telling you, I am a smuggler… Suppose I am a smuggler - You prove to me why robbing is bad. See I am not bothered whether it is harming the other person or not - No one can harm me. If I rob if I take out a thousand rupees from the wallet of a man passing by - I can go to Delhi Darbar, I can have dinner, I can have lunch, I can go to movie, I can enjoy life - It is good - why it is bad ? Some people will say… ‘If you rob - someone else, some day someone will rob you- No one can rob me - I am a Mafia. I have just a example - I am Mafia - I have got thousand body guards - All with AK47, all with AK47. No one can harm me - I can harm them…I have got thousand body guard, all with AK47 - No one can harm my family - My family is guarded. I want to ask the question you prove to me robing is bad . One logical reason, not two - Why it is bad, and I will stop it immediately. I am a logical person - I believe in science, as you said I am a logical person - I believe in science - You prove to me why it is bad. Some may say that…‘ See, it is against humanity’. I ask… ‘Who wrote this book called humanity ?… Who wrote it ?’ I do not believe in it - I am enjoying life. When I rob thousand rupees, when I rob 1 lakh rupees , I can enjoy life , I can buy a new flat. I can go abroad, and no one can harm me because I am a Mafia. Some people will say…‘ The police will catch you and put you in the jail’. I say… ‘ I have got the police in my pocket, I have got the ministers in my pocket. And you know that throughout the world, there are various top smugglers who have got the police in their pockets - they have got ministers in their pockets, no one can harm them. Throughout the world you have got example , I am saying…‘ I am such a Mafia - You prove to me why it is bad, and I will stop robbing. And this question I have posed to thousands of people in audiences. Whatever answer they give - it does not satisfy logically. So I tell them… ‘Okay, now you become that Mafia… and I will try and convince to you - why robbing is bad, why raping is bad.’ So he is happy… now Zakir took me for a ride, now we will take Zakir for a ride. So I tell them the reason why robbing is bad. May be you are a Mafia, no one can harm you. I agree with you, no one can harm your family, but if you rob - you go against the commandments of Allah (SWT) and in the Hereafter you will get punishment.In this world you may have the police in your pocket, you may have the minister in your pocket - but in the Hereafter you will be held responsible. I am asking you a question, that your human law… you talk about a human law… Now I am speaking as a Muslim - Now you are the Mafia. I am speaking as a Muslim, and convincing you of ‘Qayamah’, and life after death. I am telling you that if you are a Mafia and you kill many people, you may get saved in this world, not in the Hereafter. I asked a question, that suppose there is a smuggler who has killed hundreds of people – do not you think he requires punishment? He requires - Where will he get it? We see many smugglers lead a luxurious life - they have got palaces, they enjoy life - and they die a very good death. Some people die a bad death, some people die a good death - Do not you think they require a punishment? Hitler - Do you know Hitler?… Hitler incinerated 6 million Jews. He burnt 6 million Jews alive - Do you know that ? Even if you say 6 lakhs, I agree with you? -You say 6000 I agree with you. I am asking the question, if your law catches Hitler what punishment can you give him? What punishment? Worst you can do is incinerate him, you can burn him - But that will compensate only for one death. What about the other 5 million. 9 hundred thousand nine hundred and ninety nine deaths. But in my logical case, in the Hereafter, Allah will put him in the Hell. And Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, Verse 56,
‘As to those whose reject Our signs, We well put you in hell fire, and as often as your skin will roasted, We shall give you fresh skins’.
If Allah wants, He can burn Hitler 6 million times - He can even burn Hitler, 12 million times. Therefore without a Hereafter, there will be no morality in this world - So raping is bad. Why? - Because if you get saved in this world you will it pay in the Hereafter. Hope that answers the question.
( Dr. Mohammed ) The next question from the ladies side.
(Q). As-Salam Alaikum - Can you please comment on artificial insemination and test-tube babies ?
(Dr. Zakir). Sister has posed a question, can I comment on artificial insemination and test-tube babies. Whether it is allowed or not in Islam - That is what she means. Sister, artificial insemination is of two types - One is ‘Homogeneous’ and the other is ‘Heterogeneous’. ‘Homogeneous’ means – ‘Using the sperm and the ovum of the husband and wife’. If suppose the wife or the husband has certain medical problems and if you know by doing Homogeneous artificial insemination they can give birth to a child, It is perfectly allowed. But Heterogeneous artificial insemination, in which you get a sperm, from a sperm bank – it is totally haram. How you have ‘Blood Bank’ - Here today you also have ‘Sperm Bank’ - You cannot go to a sperm bank and get a sperm, and use it in your wife – That is ‘haram’. So homogeneous artificial insemination is allowed, Heterogeneous is not allowed. Same way, for the test tube babies or whatever - If it is of the husband and wife, its totally allowed - if it is not of husband and wife, it is not allowed - It is as good as adultery. Hope that answers the question.
( Dr. Mohammed ) I would request the audience, for another three minutes. You have borne so much of your time with us - Thank you for your patience. Just give us three more minutes… three to four minutes, to complete the programme in proper format. We apologize to the people waiting in the queue. We understand their enthusiasm, but we hope we will indulge their patience. What I would request if you have any further question on this subject, or any question on Islam and Comparative religion, you are most well come to attend our lectures, at the Islamic Research Foundation Auditorium, which are followed by Question and Answer sessions every Saturday at 2:45 p.m. every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and every Monday for ladies at 3:00 pm which usually held by Dr. Zakir Naik or some other expert on Islam and Comparative religion… from the Islamic Research Foundation. We thank Almighty Allah for making this evening’s programme possible for all of us here. On behalf of the Islamic Research Foundation, I thank all our esteemed guests of honour brothers and sisters present here today, for their rapt attention and enthusiasm we have had throughout the programme. Believe me you all have encouraged Dr. Zakir to strive on harder and give better performances - You have. We appreciate and thank all the persons involved in the professional video recording of the programme today. Mostly from the Star TV network, so that , the many millions to whom this programme may go over Satellite Television, would be able to appreciate it too. We are especially thankful to the Press who is present here today. Again they have responded very well. We have noticed in the past that the press has given objective reportage to most of our programmes that we have had, and not as some of the Muslims have advised us…‘No… No, they write against you all’. They we have been, not kind - they have been objective… I would say. Lastly I would like to congratulate and thank all the many volunteers, who have assisted us, and supported us in handling such a vast audience. It is not possible without… so in… with just one or two people of us, we are the one whose faces are seen on the stage - their efforts are there behind all there curtains and chairs. Until we meet again for such regular special programmes, Inshallah we hope you would keep in touch with the IRF, and its regular programmes. We end the programme today with a short dua by Ashraf Mohammedy… Brother Ashraf Mohammedy.
(Ashraf Mohammedy) (Arabic)….
‘O Lord give us the best in this world and the best in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hell fire’. (Arabic.) …. ‘O Lord accept this service from us , for you are All Hearing , All Knowing and forgive us for you, are often Forgiving, Most Merciful’. (Arabic)… ‘O Lord let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us , and grant us mercy from You’. Aameen Ya Rabbil Aalamin.
(Back Ground Azaan, By Brother Yusuf Islam)
Islamic Research Foundation An International Resource Centre For Understanding And Clarification, On Islam And Comparative Religion. Islamic Research Foundation Provides For Free Hire And Sale , Video And Audio Cassettes, On Islam And Comparative Religion. This Being, The Largest And Best Collection Internationally. It Includes Films, Television Programmes, Documentaries, Qur’anic And Islamic Studies Programmes As Well As Interviews, Lectures, Symposia, Debates, Etc., Of World Renowned Speakers Like Shaikh Ahmed Deedat - South Africa, Dr. Zakir Naik- India, Dr. Jamal Badawi - Canada, Dr. Khalid Al-Mansoor - U.S.A., Brother Yusuf Islam - U.K., Brother Gary Miller - Canada, Dr. Israr Ahmed -Pakistan, Maulana Abdul Karim Parekh- India, And Many Others. Islamic Research Foundation Also Provides On Request, Free Literature On Islam And Comparative Religion. Please Phone, Call, Or Write To Islamic Research Foundation, 56/58, Tandel Street (North), Dongri, Mumbai 400 009.
Terrorism: Who is Responsible?
When we analyse state of affairs in today’s world, the fact becomes obvious that Muslims find themselves in an era about which Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him) had forewarned: “O Muslims, you shortly would face a period when all the nations of the world unite and invite each other to strike at you. They invite so vehemently as if it is an invitation to a feast!”
The present-day image of Muslims is nothing but that of a “terrorist tribe.” Certainly, there existed many types of terrorist outfits in the world before the 9/11 terror, but none of them was categorised in relation to their religion.
The prolonged war between England and Ireland left numerous people dead, but from no quarters it was termed as “Christian terrorism.”
Spanish province of Pais Basco adjoining with French border is bearing the brunt of a separatist movement. A group called ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) is carrying out frequent bomb blasts. None has labelled this terrorism as “Catholic terrorism.”
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Q and A about Religious
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