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Love Questions & Answers
Ø Dating and Relationship Advice
This section contains dating and relationship advice that has been inspired by questions submitted by our readers. Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on the latest love advice and love tips.
Ø How to Find Your Soul mate
Everyone dreams of finding a soul mate. In this detailed article, we talk about what is a soul mate and what isn't a soul mate. We also provide ten tips for finding your soul mate.
Ø Women and Sexual Pleasure
The great majority of women will say they enjoy sex, but they enjoy it in different ways than men do. Because of the way they view sex and enjoy sex, women are able to "go longer without sex" or "take it or leave it".
Ø Question about a Girl and Her Bike
First of all, it sounds like you're playing it right, if you are joking with one another and you're playing it cocky. Women like funny men, and they especially like confident men. Confidence is a very masculine quality.
Ø Giving a Woman Space
If she's been in a long relationship, she might need some time to decompress and see whether she wants a guy full-time in her life again so soon. If she's not been in a long relationship for a while, she's probably used to independence and "space" and isn't exactly comfortable with a guy in her life 24/7.
Ø Do Love Spells Work?
When it comes to the belief in modern day magic and spells, there are two camps; the believers and the skeptics. The skeptics do not believe in the hocus pocus and practices of today’s pagans and witches.
Ø How to Deal With Jealousy?
Jealousy is the green monster that can tear a person apart. Everyone knows some story about a couple who broke up because one or both parties were jealous. If unchecked, jealousy can take over your relationship.
Ø Is My Girlfriend is Using Pregnancy to Trap Me?
I can see why you're concerned. If you're girlfriend was making up the story of a pregnancy to keep you around, she wouldn't be the first woman to do so. That being said, it's hard to say that that's what is going on in this case.
Ø Are These Feelings Normal When in a Long Distance Relationship?
Those are pretty common emotions to go through in a long-distance relationship. People can be "perfect for one another", but that chemistry doesn't work very well when you don't ever see one another.
Ø What does MTD Mean?
There are any number of meanings for the "MTD" acronym, so you're going to have to figure out what the likeliest possible meaning of M.T.D. means.
Ø How to Plan a Romantic Dinner for Two
Whether you are looking to spice up your current relationship or solidify a newly forming romantic courtship, knowing how to plan a romantic dinner for two can help you.
Ø How to Ask a Girl Out On a Date?
Asking anyone out on a date should be a simple matter of just walking up, making conversation, and then asking them out. But the reality is that it is not that simple. Nerves and lack of confidence can cause you to crash and burn.
Ø I’m a Married Man Dating a Younger Girl. How do I Handle the Devastating Aftermath of this Affair?
We here at AskDeb are not entirely equipped to handle this kind of question. You should talk to a professional who can help you with your problems. First, you need to talk to a lawyer to know what your rights are.
Ø I’ve cheated on my Girlfriend through a Bisexual Experience with my Best Friend. What Should I Do?
You're being a little hard on yourself for ending a sexual relationship that would likely hurt Nancy , and almost certainly would erode the relationship you have with Nancy . "Sparing yourself from being a cheating bastard" isn't a bad motivation for ending this sexual activity.
Ø Should I Settle for an Ex While I'm Going Through a Mid-life Crisis?
It sounds like you never moved on and you never got closure with the old girlfriend. It's always good to have closure in these situations, but if that doesn't happen naturally, you have to do it yourself.
Ø How Do You Overcome Shyness?
Most people who tend to be shy are those who have had bad experiences or lack self esteem. This can be due from being talked down to, a bad experience with a stranger, or harshly punished as a child.
Ø How to Plan a Romantic Meal for Your Girlfriend?
This topic is a little bit more interesting because there is not a right or wrong answer. You will ultimately do the cheesiest thing you can think of because you know your girlfriend will see past the cheesiness and really appreciate what you have done.
Ø What Is Codependency?
Have you or someone you know ever been in a one-sided relationship that you knew was bad for you but you still couldn’t bring yourself to leave? Many people find themselves in this kind of situation every day.
Ø How Do You Handle a Jealous Girlfriend?
So let’s say that you have met this really great girl. You like being with her, you have a lot of fun together; everything appears to be going well. Then she sees you talking to another girl and whammo!
Ø How Do You Handle Boredom In Your Marriage?
At the beginning of a healthy marriage, there is a lot of excitement and new experiences. It can be thrilling being a new couple. But as the years go on, the excitement starts to ebb. The thrill diminishes.
Ø What Do I Do If I Have Fallen In Love With A Married Man?
There is an old saying that you cannot tell your heart who they should fall in love with. Sometimes, despite all the warnings in your head, you may find yourself falling for a guy who is already married.
Ø How Do You Handle A Boyfriend With Commitment Problems?
It is a common problem in many relationships. You find someone to date and early in the relationship, they are attentive and want to spend time with you. You know…the perfect guy.
Ø What Do I Do If I Want Marriage But He Doesn’t?
From an early age, many women dream and fantasize about being married to the perfect guy. Then one day that guy comes along and you think the dream will come true. But then the guy tells you that he doesn’t want marriage.
Ø How Do I Get My Ex-Boyfriend Back?
Just about everyone has had their heart broken by an unexpected break-up at one time or another. After you get over the initial shock, anger, and resentment, you realize that you want him back.
Ø How Do You Know If Someone Is Your Soul mate?
Have you ever met someone that you had an instant connection with? They were easy to be with and you felt like you could share anything with them. Maybe you felt like you had met before.
Ø How To Handle A Relationship With Someone Who Isn’t Affectionate At All?
There are few things as comforting as a relationship where your partner is affectionate. Having someone who is affectionate towards you is soothing and reassuring, like living with a safety net.
Ø How Do You Handle Problems In A Relationship?
Have you ever known a relationship that didn’t have problems? It might have been one of yours or someone else’s, like a friend’s that you watched from the sidelines.
Ø How Can I Be Romantic Without Spending Lots of Money?
Younger guys who are dating often don't have a whole lot of extra money to spend. Some of these guys want to be romantic with their date or girlfriend, or at least feel the need to be romantic.
Ø How Can I Find More Time To Spend With My Wife?
Spending quality time with your wife is important for the health of your marriage. But before you can spend "quality time", you have to make certain you're spending enough time with your wife, period.
Ø What Are Some Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day?
Valentine’s Day is a daunting holiday for most people. Everyone wants to have a “Valentine” – someone to share this special romantic holiday with. At the same time, Valentine’s Day is a dread worthy pressure filled day of expectations and heightened emotion.
Ø What Do Men Want In A Woman?
Men spend more time wondering what women want from them than most women would believe. The stereotype about men suggests that they are unthinking uncaring oafs who mostly think about sex and sports.
Ø What Do Women Want In A Man?
There is an age old question that haunts most of us men looking to attract women. Even more important than what we should wear, or how we should behave in a flirting situation, is this simple age old query.
Ø How Do You Use Social Networking Sites To Improve Your Dating Life?
Websites like My space, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter, and Friendster have revolutionized how people meet and communicate with one another. The idea behind social networking is to provide a central online location where people can sign up...
Ø What Are Some Good Dating Conversation Starters?
Before you really get to know someone, it can be difficult to have the kinds of conversations that are necessary to a developing relationship. Awkward silences and long lulls in the conversation can turn a good date into a mediocre one, and reduce that chance that either of you will want a repeat date.
Ø What Are Some Ways To Turn A Woman On? What Are Some Ways To Turn A Guy On?
All people are subject to different factors that determine what will turn them on. Scientists refer to these factors as “biological imperatives” – they can be related to physical appearance, emotions, or even deep seated sexual desires or “fetishes”.
Ø How To Be A Great Kisser?
As I’ve already covered in my article on knowing when to kiss, a kiss can make or break a relationship, even after the first few kisses are out of the way and you’ve built up a trust and a rhythm with your partner, kissing can influence your lover’s positive or negative perception of the relationship.
Ø When Do You Know It's Time For Your First Kiss?
Besides the kiss you share on your wedding day, there is no more kiss in a relationship more important than the first. Some people don’t know if they’re truly attracted to a person until they share a kiss.
Ø What Are Some Good Dating Ideas?
Dating can be exciting -- getting to know a new person, sharing that first kiss, or even falling in love. Some of the most exciting times of my life have happened on dates.
Ø What Are Some Good Speed Dating Questions?
Speed dating is becoming increasingly popular, as Americans find themselves busy with multiple jobs and hobbies. Most of us simply don't have time to "cruise" for singles, or perhaps we find that our old approach to finding dating partners simply isn't working.
Ø What Do All Those Acronyms In Personal Ads Mean?
We've all done it -- looked through the personal ads in the local newspaper or online, "just to see" what's out there. There's no shame in using a personal ad service to seek out a date.
Ø What Are Singles Cruises?
Cruise ships are often populated with happy couples celebrating their honeymoon, an important anniversary, or just enjoying a vacation away from land, taking in all that the ocean has to offer.
Ø How Do You Become A Matchmaker?
Most likely, matchmaking has been around as long as society itself. Some people enter the "business" of matchmaking because they are tired of hearing about their friends' horrible dating episodes.
Ø Where Can I Meet Other Singles?
So you find yourself single -- alone and with no prospects for dating. This is a common problem -- some people find that after a divorce they don't know any single people.
Ø What Are The Advantages Of Being Single?
As wonderful as it is to be in a romantic relationship, there are times when all of us are "alone". Being single is both a blessing and a curse, as is being in a relationship. It is impossible to imagine a person who never lives a single day without a lover -- even the most attractive Don Juan will have a dry spell or two.
Ø How Do You Write A Love Letter?
Romance is not dead. In fact, with the economy in the state it is currently in no doubt you find your wallet is much lighter than in years past. Romance doesn't have to mean champagne and pearls -- sometimes, a simple expression of love through words is more meaningful than the most expensive diamond or night on the town.
Ø How Do You Write A Love Poem?
When you want to express your love for your partner, buying an expensive gift is not always the best tactic. Sure, people appreciate "stuff" -- but giving a gift that comes from the heart means so much more than a store bought expression of your affection.
Ø What Is Being Codependent? How Do I Stop Being Codependent?
Unhealthy relationships often involve what mental health professionals describe as "codependency" or "being codependent". This term is difficult to describe, as it can manifest itself in many different ways.
Ø What Are Some Good Outdoor Activities For Couples?
It is well known that a certain amount of sunshine is healthy for all living things. Exposure to the sun combats depression and even helps our body produce vital nutrients -- your skin cells turn ultraviolet rays into Vitamin D.
Ø How Do You Cultivate Good Relationship Skills?
Many of us who aren't in a relationship, and many of us who are, need to learn relationship skills. The bottom line is that we must learn "how to love", as cliche as it sounds. Another cliche that is often quoted goes something like this -- "You'll never learn another until you can love yourself".
Ø What Is A Healthy Relationship?
A healthy relationship is a paradox. Many people are plenty happy in relationships that are not "healthy" by definition -- victims of abuse, for instance, are often reluctant to leave their abuser.
Ø What Are Some Signs You're In A Bad Relationship?
Generally, it is easy to tell if you're in a good relationship. You and your partner are happy, you spend time together (and apart) doing things you love, and your friends and family will talk about how wonderful the two of you are together.
Ø Do Online Dating Services Work?
People these days are extremely busy. They have their careers, finances, family, and other aspects of their personal lives that they have to take care of.
Ø How To Write Good Online Dating Profiles?
If you are a member of an online dating site, then a good online profile is essential to attracting someone’s interests. A good profile must contain all the pertinent information about yourself such as age, what you like, what you don’t like, smoking or not, and drinking or non-drinking.
Ø Are Internet Dating and Matching Sites, Scams?
Online dating is very popular today. In a world that is addicted to the latest gizmos and technology, it is just a natural evolution.
Ø Is Online Dating Appropriate for Single Parents?
Dating for single parents can be complicated and nerve-wracking. You have so much more responsibilities than you did before you had children.
Ø What Are Some Cute Love Quotes?
Cute love quotes are adorable little sayings that you can share with someone special. There are some that have been around for years and have even been quoted from famous people in history.
Ø How Is 'Great Expectations Dating' Different From Internet Dating?
The dating scene can be confusing and tiresome. These days people are so busy with running their lives and careers that it can leave very little time for finding romance.
Ø How Do you Handle Falling In Love With A Friend?
It happens all the time. You are good friends with a person; you hang out with them all the time, and gradually you realize that you are falling in love with them.
Ø How Do You Cast Love Spells?
Love spells have been around for centuries. They have appeared in all manner of stories, fairytales, and folklore.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Question and Ans.
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